Generate C serialization/deserialization code from the minecraft-data protodef protocol spec
Requires python-minecraft-data
This was originally created by SpockBotMC, forked to work with 1.8.
python [version]
Will generate two files: [version]_proto.c
and [version]_proto.h
The header file is pretty self explanatory, each packet gets four or five functions:
int walk_[packet_name](char *source, size_t max_len)
Validates a packet's layout in a buffer, returns -1
on invalid or improper layout and the total size of the packet on success. Walk should always be called on a buffer before calling a decode function, because decode doesn't do any bounds checking.
size_t size_[packet_name]([packet_type] packet)
Calculates the size of the packet when serialized, so you can know the amount of free space you need in the destination buffer. Size should always be called on a packet before calling an encode function, because encode doesn't do any bounds checking.
char * enc_[packet_name](char *dest, [packet_type] packet)
Serializes the packet into the destination buffer, returns a pointer to the end of the serialized packet.
char * dec_[packet_name]([packet_type] *dest, char *source)
Deserializes the buffer into the destination packet, returns a pointer to the end of the deserialized buffer.
void free_[packet_name]([packet_type] packet)
Frees dynamically allocated memory for packets that have dynamic-memory types, not present for packets that don't require dynamic memory allocation.