This project focused on performing analysis on Kickstarter data to uncover trends in theater-based crowdfunding campaigns. The requester was "Louise," someone who was considering starting her own crowdfunding campaing to support a play they were producing. The primary tool used was Microsof Excel. The source data was a table of 4114 campaigns from 2010 through 2017, sourced with a bias towards theater campaigns, but sampling from a range of other categories as well. The methods used included pivot tables, break-out tables of subsets of data, charts of various critera, and various statistical formulae.
Out of over 900 US-based theater-related Kickstarter campaigns, over half were successfully funded, with just over one-third failures (did not meet fundraising goals).
Out of the 671 campaigns for plays, over 60% were successful, also with roughly one-third failures.
What this shows is that overall odds are good for the sucess of theater-related kickstarter projects, though they are not guaranteed. There is still a non-negligible risk of failure. That said, let's look at another factor that could contribute to the success of a crowdfunding campaign.
The above chard shows the number of theater-related Kickstarter campaigns, differentiated by outcome, charted by the month in which they were launched. As one can see, most sucessful campaigns are launched in May or June. It is also apparent that the highest likelihood of failure occurs with campaigns launched in December or January. The safe assumption is that a large number of Kickstarter's customer-base/audience are probably focused at that time of year on saving their money for holiday shopping or end-of-the-year expenses.