This is a small bot that allows you to setup slowmodes longer than the discord cooldown allows. The cooldowns can be rolebased aswell.
- Install Node.js 6.0.0 or newer
- Dependencies:
- discord.js:
npm install discord.js
- Keyv:
npm install keyv
depending on what database you'll be using, you'll need on of the additional packages below. If you'll keep everything in memory, skip this and leave the connectionURL empty;
npm install --save @keyv/redis npm install --save @keyv/mongo npm install --save @keyv/sqlite npm install --save @keyv/postgres npm install --save @keyv/mysql```
- discord.js:
- Download the bot, or clone the whole git
git clone
- Make/change the params.json file, change the token, connectionURL and prefix if wanted.
- Run the bot
node bot.js
- Set up all cooldowns/administrators
You can set your own prefix in the config aswell.
!addModeratorRole <@Role>
Adds a role to the moderator list, this role will bypass the cooldowns, and can edit the cooldowns.
Removes all moderator role.
!setSlowMode <time> <@Role> <#Channel>
Adds the slowmode, time should be in milliseconds.
!clearMember <@User
Removes all cooldowns from a person.