I'm using VS2019. You have to install "C++ desktop development" and "Buildtools for .NET desktop applications". In "C++ desktop development", make sure you also install "C++ moduls for BuildTools v142 (x64/x86 - Experimental)" and "Take in charge of C++/CLI for Build Tools v142". My translation might not be exact.
Library needed:
- glad
- glfw
- opencv
- glm
For each, put the path to the library and include directories. See on internet how to install each in visual studio.
For linkers, you need:
- glfw3.lib
- glfw3dll.lib
- User32.lib
- Gdi32.lib
- Shell32.lib
- opencv_world412d.lib
- opengl32.lib
- opencv_world412.lib
Copy GLAD/src/glad.c in the source files of the project folder. Select it, right-click and properties. In property, C/C++ and modify the parameter "Prise en charge du Common Language Runtime" (in english: something like "Take in charge of the Common Language Runtime") with "Pas de prise en charge du CLR" (english: "No charge of CLR").
Do not forget to add the path in your environment variables.
Do it in new branch then push.