#Rikulo Changes
- Issue 25: rename Selection to SelectionModel, Disables to DisablesModel, Opens to OpensModel, and AbstractSelectionModel to AbstractDataModel
Upgrade Notes
- ListDataEvent replace index and length with start and end (to be consistent with Dart SDK)
- Use Iterable instead of Collection because of Dart SDK changes.
Upgrade Notes
- Change
- Offset and Rectangle are removed. Use Point and Rect of dart:html instead.
- Offset3d is renamed to Point3D.
- View.pageOffset is renamed to View.page
- View event stream is supported. Use Steam.listen() instead. For example, view.on.click.listen((event){}).
- Data event stream is supported. Use Stream.listen() instead. For example, model.on.select.listen((event){}).
- UiError is renamed to UIError to follow Dart naming convention
- The signature of View's sendEvent and postEvent are changed.
is moved to Rikulo Commons
- ListModel also implements Sequence
- DropDownList accepts both DataModel and List
- ViewEvent will, by default, bubble up the hierarchy of views.
December 14, 2012
- MultilineBox is renamed to TextArea
- LayoutAmountInfo and LayoutSideInfo are renamed to AmountInfo and SideInfo
- View.tag() is simplified
- Overriding View.className is optional. It will return the class name correctly.
- View.fellows returns a map instead of a collection, and View.getFellow is removed.
- Browser.innerSize and innerOffset are removed since they are useless.
- 18: ProfileDeclaration supports margin to adjust the location and dimension after anchored
- Link is added for displaying and manipulating the hyperlink.
- 16: event.target may not be Element in _ViewImpl: _domEvtDisp(String)
November 06, 2012
- AnimatorTask signature changed: elapsed time is not supplied.
- PopupView is removed. It can be implemented easily. Please refer to TestPopup1.dart.
- PopupEvent is renamed to ActivateEvent for broader meaning.
- View.remvoeFromDocument and removeFromParent are removed and replaced with View.remove.
- Follows Dart M2 naming convention for isXxx and similar.
- View's lifecycle is simplified. First, draw() is removed and replaced with
render_(). Second, the DOM element is rendered as soon as
is accessed. - RadioGroup is removed and replaced with RadioButton.
- TextBox no longer supports multiline. Rather, MultilineBox is introduced.
- HTMLRenderer, StringRender and ViewRenderer are removed and replaced with Renderer.
- View.addToDocument() is changed to use named parameters
- Move printc() to the view library
- Activity and Application were removed. Use View.addToDocument() instead.
- View.addToDocument() was simplified.
- Cordova is moved to another repository, rikulo_gap.
October 12, 2012
- Convert project structure to pub standard
- Remove autorun flag in Motion.
- Rename StringUtil.encodeXML/decodeXML to XMLUtil.encode/decode
- The content/src constructor of Style is renamed to fromContent/fromSrc, respectively
- The html constructor of TextView and HTMLFragment is renamed to fromHTML
- In EasingMotion, duration is renamed to period, repeat parameter is introduced, and mode is removed.
- DraggerMove's parameter updateElementPosition is renamed to defaultAction
- ScrollerMove's parameter updateScrollPosition is renamed to defaultAction
- Offset and Offset3d objects are made immutable.
- In EasingMotion, MotionAction now supplies MotionState in the arguments.
- In LinearPathMotion, the "move" argument takes an extra updateElementPosition() callback.
- DragGesture is splitted into DragGesture and Dragger.
- Gesture models and APIs are organized and unified.
- View.hidden is renamed to View.visible.
- VectorUtil class is removed. norm() function is now a member function on Offset.
- View, by default, doesn't allow user-select, except TextView with HTML fragment.
- Rename log() function to printc() to avoid conflict with the math log function in dart:math.
- documentOffset is renamed to pageOffset
- LinearPositionMotion is renamed to LinearPathMotion.
- HoldGesture, DragGesture and Scroller are moved to the gesture package.
- RadioGroupRenderer is removed and generalized as HTMLRenderer.
- DropDownListRenderer is removed and generalized as StringRenderer.
- Rename Motion/Scroller's onMoving to onMove and moving to move.
is default toparent
is specified.