What is Scrum:
Key ideas
What is Kanban:
Key ideas
Kanban board
Main phases (in general):
Requirement gathering and analysis
Implementation or coding
Waterfall model
V model
Advantages, disadvantages, when to use each model
Main testing activities and their tasks (in general):
Planning and control
Analysis and design
Implementation and execution
Evaluating exit criteria and reporting
Test closure activities
Main differences between Scrum/Kanban
RAD model
Iterative model
Advantages, disadvantages, when to use each model
Major tasks of each phase (in details)
Test deliverables of each phase
Who is responsible for execution of each phase
Poker planning in Scrum (Delphi method for estimation)
Velocity in Scrum
Work in progress limit in Kanban
Benefits and risks in Scrum/Kanban
Incremental model
Extreme programming
Spiral model
Prototype model
Advantages, disadvantages, when to use each model
Mapping STLC phases with SDLC
Importance of test closure activities