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329 lines (189 loc) · 7.18 KB

File metadata and controls

329 lines (189 loc) · 7.18 KB

Junior Level

PHP tags (standard, echo, short).

Single line comments; multi-line comments.

Write data to the script’s output: echo vs print();

Script termination.

Data types: 4 scalar types, 4 compound types, 2 special types. Pseudo-types. (*)

Type Casting (with casting operators and functions). Detecting Types. (*)

Variables * naming, case-sensitivity (*) * Variable variables.


  • Possible ways to define.
  • Possible types that they contain.
  • Magic constants. (*)


Operator precedence.

Arithmetic operators ($a**2 etc)

Assignment operators ($a = 1 vs $a += 1, $a = $b vs $a = &$b etc) (*)

Comparison Operators ($a == $b, $a === $b etc); Comparing of float values with epsilon technique. (*)

Error Control operator

Incrementing/Decrementing Operators (echo $a++ vs echo ++$a)

Logical Operators ($a && $b, $a || $b, !$a etc.). Limitations of using with different types of arguments. (*)

String operators (concatenation and concatenating assignment)

Array Operators ($arr + $arrB, $arr == $arrB etc. ) (*)

Type Operators (instanceof) (*)

Debug functions (var_dump(), var_export(), print_r())

Control structures

if, while, for, foreach, switch and their alternative syntax.

'Fall through' in switch statement

continue and break statements (*)

Ternary Operators (*)

Null coalescing operator (??) (*)

Spaceship operator (<=>)

require vs include


Global and functional scope, 'global' keyword, $GLOBALS

Typed parameters and return type declaration. (*)

Nullable and void type declarations.

Argument default value

Arguments by reference. (*)

Arguments unpacking. (function test(...$args){})


Single quotes vs Double quotes (*)

Heredoc and Nowdoc Syntax

  • Indentation changes in PHP 7.3

Strings as Arrays. Positive and negative offsets.

Search & replace (*)

Using printf(), sprintf() for formatting


Enumerative and associative (*)

Short array syntax

Iteration of an array by using foreach

Working with arrays as a stack and as a queue: array_push(), array_pop(), array_shift(), array_unshift()

Validate (in_array(), array_key_exists() etc)

Sort and shuffle arrays (*)

Spread Operator in Array Expression

Unpacking arrays to variables using list(). Difference between unpacking by value and by reference.


HTTP request: HTTP method, URI, headers and request body. (*)

HTTP response: status code,headers and content. (*)

Web-Form submit

Data format inside request body

$_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST (*)


Cookies and sessions in php (*)

OOP Fundamentals

Class vs object (*)


Class methods and properties visibility. Default visibility. (*)

Accessing protected/private class properties

Typed properties


phpdoc (*)

  • tags (@param, @return, @var etc).
  • Differences from type hinting

Working with filesystem with C-style functions (open/create, read, write, and close a file handle, working with folders)

Middle Level

Difference between a language construct and a built-in function


Execution (backtick) operator

Bitwise Operators


Iteration of an array: (*)

  • by using reset(), current(),next()
  • by specific functions with callbacks

Compare arrays (array_diff(), array_intersect() etc)

Array merging (array_merge vs '+') (*)


Regular expressions (*)

  • preg_match(), flags, named matches
  • preg_replace*() functions. Replace using matches, callbacks

Multibyte string functions (mb_*)

Dealing with URL strings: encoding, decoding and parsing (*)


Variable length argument list: func_get_args() and variadics

Static variables in functions (*)

Anonymous functions and Closures concepts. Arrow functions (*)

call_user_func(), call_user_func_array() (*)


get_class() and instanceof keyword

final keyword

$this vs self (*)

static properties and methods (*)

Magic methods (*)

  • constructors,
  • overloading methods and properties
  • object as callable
  • serialization and json encoding control __serialize/__unserialize. vs __sleep/__wakeup

Interfaces and Abstract Classes (*)

Scope resolution operator

::class constant

Namespaces. Use, group use, aliases (*)

Errors and Exceptions

Error Reporting

Handling Errors, set_error_handler()

Exception class, extending Exception class. Throwable interface (*)

Throwing and catching Exceptions, set_exception_handler(), Multi-Catch Exception Handling (*)



require vs require_once (*)

__autoload()(deprecated) vs spl_autoload_register()

PSR-0 (Deprecated) vs PSR-4 (*)

Data formats

JSON (encode/decode, from/into objects and arrays) (*)

Dates and Times : DateTime and DateTimeImmutable classes

XML:SimpleXml and Dom (document parsing, xpath queries, create and modify documents) Document exchange between SimpleXml and Dom


‘Filter input Escape output’ rule (*)

ctype_* functions, filter_var()

Password security: password_hash() and password_verify()

HTTPS concept (*)

Cross-site scripting (XSS) (*)

Cross-Site Request Forgeries

SQL injection attacks prevention (*)

Remote code injection and allow_url_fopen directive in php.ini

Output buffering control

ob_start(), ob_get_contents(), ob_end_clean(); (*)

PHP in console

Running php code in console (*)

Running php built-in server

Running php linter

Writing a simple CLI program on PHP (*)


REST (messages format, endpoints naming, HTTP methods as API verbs, data format inside of a message body, read message body from 'php://input', HTTP status codes in response, HATEOAS, API versioning) (*)

SOAP (WSDL file, SoapClient and SoapServer classes)

Oauth (*)

Working with Databases

MySQL Improved Extension (mysqli)


PDO prepared statements, fetching query results, transactions with PDO (*)


Working with filesystem via streams in PHP (*)

file_get_contents(), file_put_contents()

FTP functions in PHP

Working with curl

Script delay execution. Script max execution time. Evaluate a string as PHP code. (*)

Image Processing and Generation

Senior Level


Late static binding (self::$property vs static::$property) (*)

Horizontal inheritance via traits (*)

Anonymous classes

Cloning object

Reflection API

Closure class (*)

Using $this in closures (*)

Specifying a class with bindTo()

Predefined Interfaces: ArrayAccess, Serializable, Traversable, Iterator and IteratorAggregate (*)

Generators. yield, yield from, Generator::gerReturn()


Data structures (SplStack, SplFixedArray etc)

Iterators (ArrayIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator etc ) (*)

Exceptions (LogicException, BadFunctionCallException etc ) (*)

Functions (class_implements(), class_uses())

Working with external resources via streams

stream_socket_server() and stream_socket_client()

Stream filters. I/O streams: 'php://stdin' and 'php://stdout'


Using queues for asynchronous and synchronous delegating of operations.

Foreign function interface (FFI)


Code profiling and optimization (*)

  • possible bottlenecks
  • ways of determining the problem

PHP Preloading


[Some tips of Improving PHP Performance] (