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File metadata and controls

153 lines (83 loc) · 5.14 KB

A bit of Knowleadge

What is this?

Is a CFG ( Configuration ) for CSGO to automatically set your settings to play. ( Execept Graphics Settings ) Mostly for MM Competitive but for other types of competitions is allowed too. - Report back if there is something illegal. ( I think Jumpthrow bind is illegal in some competitons, but I really don't know. )

Do I need it?

Not exactly, but you can try it and decide for yourself it you want it or NEED it. :P

If you like it...

Remember to leave a Star here and a comment on my profile. It will be much apreciated.


  1. Download the configurations by going here or from mega.
  2. Place the CFGs into your CSGO CFG folder ( ..\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg ).
  3. Edit it by changing the Sensitivity, Personal Color, Hud Color... etc in other to adapt it to your liking ( on Personal_Settings.cfg ).
  4. Launch CSGO and press F10 to open the console. Type in "exec autoexec" or "Autoexec" ( CFG needs to be re-executed in order to properly work ).
  5. You can either start playing or utilize the follow Launch options ( CSGO need to be restarted in other to make them work ):

-novid : Disables Intro Video - Most recomended

-tickrate 128 : Set Client Server to Tickrate 128 ( Default is 64 ) - Only recomended if you have a good PC. ( Only afects Client server - AKA Play with bots )

-maxplayers_override 40 : Allows 40 people to connect ( Default is 10 - 9 + You ) - Only recomended if you have a good PC. ( Only afects Client server - AKA Play with bots )

-nobrowser : Disable Browser inside CSGO. Like cl_disablehtmlmotd, but better. - Most Recomended.

-language : Change language of Counter-Strike to any other available. Ex: -language spanish - Recomended if you want Steam in one language and CS in another.


Backup your old CFG. ( Remember to rename it after loading autoexec for the first time - In order to keep it ) [ Look it up in ".\Steam\userdata\730\local\cfg" - Check your ID on ( steam3ID the long number ) ]

Console enabled.

Music removed and 10 Sec bomb to min so you know it.

Matchmaking Ping search to 25.

Mouse Raw Input and No acceleration by default.

Small Net Graph.

Enable friends to follow you on your games.

Killcam disabled.

Competitive Rates.

Sounds won't be downloaded when entering a server.

FPS unlimited except on Menu.

3 Crosshair types.

Invitations to play will only be able if on Main menu.

Game Instructor Disabled.


F1 : Toogles Crosshair for better nades.

F2 : Change Crosshair.

F10 : Toogle Console.

F3 : Toggles T crosshair.

\ : Ping Player.

PGUP : Toogle IgnoreMsg. Status: Broadcast, Team/Broadcast, All chat, Accept all.

PGDN : Toogle IgnoreRadar.

BlockMayus : Toogle Weapon Side.

F : Jump Throw - Simply Select Nade, Charge to Throw and press F.

H : Inspect Weapon.

L : Enables X-Ray on Demo playback.

Z : Radio Commands - Go, Fall Back, Stick Together Team, Hold This Position, Follow Me.

X : Radio Commands - Enemy Spotted, Need Backup, You Take the Point, Sector Clear, I'm in Position.

C : High Jump - Jump as High as CS is posible.

V : Clean everything - Console, blood, bullet holes... everything.

KP_END : He Grenade.


KP_PGDN : Smoke Grenade.


KP_RIGHTARROW : Molotov-Incendiary.

N : Mute voices.

KP_Enter : Change Radar size.

Left ALT : Radio Commands - Affirmative/Roger, Negative, Cheer!, Compliment, Thanks.

Mouse3 : Basic Radio Commands - Affirmative/Roger, Negative, Cheer!, Hold This Position, Follow Me, Thanks.


Autoexec : Runs Autoexec config.

Training : Runs Solo Training config.

TeamTraining : Runs Team Training config. ( Remember to change sv_steamgroup to your own or sv_steamgroup_exclusive to 0 )

AntiTraining : Runs Anti-Training config to revert all training commands to default.

HelpMe : Displays this infobox. ( Requires HelpMe.cfg )

Clean : Clean everything cleanable.

Moded : Displays CFG last modification date and time on console

MM_MaxPing : Display Max Search ping for MM. Also shows original command to modify it.

Extra Commands

+Fastswitch : Change to knife when pressed and hold. Release to go back.


You can edit the keys by editing the CFG. Any changes through Console will be wipe out, so if you make any, just edit the values in the Autoexec CFG, or add them. Don't forget to edit the HelpMe.cfg if you modify any Bind so you keep track of your own changes.

In memory of

Since : Release 1.1.5

Defuse Mode

T : Change to defuse Mode. Hold E and Swing your mouse to spin.

Unusable since CSGO Update 6/22/2020.

Game Instructor Bomb location on Smoke

F3 : Toogle Instructor.

Unusable since couple of CSGO updates. ( Tried to search for it, but no luck )