Releases: Apostles1/congregationinformation-
congregation portfolio
'Empiric civilizartion under conduct , of 'explorers, discovery, missionary. revision for 'discovery, re: the mapping constituence, from 'collective 'relative parrallel analytic; 'ballistic-forensic comparisons {variable-factor} on the 'work methodology, compiled from the stratedgized, 'conditioning, orientation and vocational compliance adapted from 'explorer techniques; trades/novelties, presentation 'character profile of 'covenant; 'horizon 'orientation of man; tradjectory/media. from 'the leading; 'diciples, creators, inventors and 'film biographic reports as hardened discocvery stewardship 'alias; to documentm, 'collective 5 continents lexical-logistic innovative prodigy 'reasourced from 'geographic orientation; implimentation alignment to 'sacered geometry of 'enterprise, 'build design schematic 'cosmological Lunar-landing construction', 'Enterpriase administration" interpreted geography "lifestyles" 'hommage, epistomology resonance;manifestatiion; 'lifepath mapping revision
mechanology {latin}; 'basalts networkm, 'human geographic 'field of life endeavours{infrastructure};democratic 'human reasources 'vocational-clerical, 'constitution; democracy; 'basalts 'subsistencxe logic; aeomeba, 'equalibrium embedded, 'aeomeba acoustic orientation, 'ux-ui compose revelations 'situations-circumstances, 'compose exodus revelations;
'cross platform badge;
'diversity geneology.
rework population governance 'construct to define, 'relative ui-ux, natural-intuitive framework alignment proper to determine ecological-balance; 'demographic initiatives; human reasources 'world, 'vocation/clerical constitution functuality; 'direction guidance ettiquette, 'doctorine productivity.
Canonical-lexical designgewometry -compliance mechanology caligraphiuc enlightenedment insight in in-animatec geography'virtual-reality, 'definitions. true poise {iso} conservation/preservation parrallel-relative, 'longevity continuety, working analogous, 'orthodox codex.
transcripts means, 'collaborators of 'ux-ui 'social methodology, 'profficient outcomes; 'analyze of design maintainance functuality; to evaluate paradism of 'estates; 'constructs from 'universe paradism;
congregation mapping lineages
Monolithic investigation; archeologic man stewardship engineering
Implimenting findings from creation ‘materialism; ontological creation geographic ‘democracy’ emancipation catchetism; classes, grouping lifeform “occipital” bio-mechanics {subsistence morphology} transformation to ‘statutory creation exsistence survival, linguistics manifest-salvation from 5g quotient of creation apfredesiac ‘wholeness, orientation understanding of creation purpose’ through intuitive identity of life / compose .
New’, theosiphic ideology {creation philanthropy of man,world,animal}.
Implimenting findings from creation ‘lifeforms ; ontological creation ‘human democracy’ emancipation . catchetism; classes, grouping lifeform “occipital” bio-mechanics transformation from ‘statutory creation exsistence survival, linguistics manifest-salvation from 5g quotient of creation apfredesiac the people, 'universe subsistence ''mapping geographic power, aesthetic geometry's ‘wholeness, orientation understanding of creation purpose’.
the people, 'universe subsistence ''mapping geographic power, aesthetic geometry's of impliment harvesting innovation into 'statutory curriculum; geographies; explorer co-ordinates; mapping intellectual @ infrastructure reasourcesthe people, 'universe subsistence ''mapping geographic power, aesthetic geometry's of impliment harvesting inheritance for civilization culture,;'primary-protocols from 'geographic creation environment, from an 'human optical 'view aspect, equalibrium conciousness;
congregation ' ui-ux geographic 'theopsiphic ideology,
Each individual life species represents of the world methodology magnitude of the fortitude generated by the lifeforms geographical standards to imply of Anthropologic concepts social unification of destiny's world prodigy and balance of world gene chemistrys 'aphredesiac constants of world and the universe'. The ontology of spiritual world biographic scriptures and manuscripts that life evolves through the revelation of the world at an alternative purpose than the organic life form reflecting in the parity of it's own self image and function of their own characteristic purpose in life Anthropologic .
Concepts architecture is of the image of the world life endeavors and then reflects' in the manifestation of the world and nature ' the ontology of the world chronicles. Birds in The sky lions of the jungle, fish in the sea, Man in The domain the life kingdom, paradox of unified world prodigy 'earth wind and fire and earth air water fire .
The modern age information 'constructs; input of biological physics: zygote catabolism anatomical metabolism represent the temperol conciousness of the virtual reality is pending the world anthropological materialism theory of life ontology.
This note will b'e in conjunction with the continued human evolution developedment and growth with the ontological macro evolution employed on earths adaptive logistics network backbone information technology of life 'the democracy of the geographic social economic capital, ethics scriptures and manuscripts and of the world timeframes and renewal of it's moral disposition. The establishment of the adventis life is the world creation and-innovative prodigy that inhabits creations life dynamic .
Lifes industry standard name implicates The reason purpose and cause for the sequential gene architecture of many worldly tools of life traits and trades 'life diciplines which are expressed throughout the dynamic parameters of world direction and guidance as in like of the father almighty, tree of life, ergonomics of world geography, social science ,ideology of man, 'all of these worldly traits of life all implied To by the sequential generic discipline of life enterprise architect (collective manuscripts). The natural-intuitive establishment of the adventis / genesis fundamental foundation in creations gospel word, implicates of the representation recognized by the creations natural prodigy of elements, experiences of the physical variables, spiritual enlightenment via creation through cognitive survival awareness mutated over the orthodox , fundemental materialism of 'primordial genesis' : light , air ,water and land of the holy as touteledge of the salvation and manifest endured by the mystic Anthropological origin . This has led man to the human resource of his life ideology,Mythology "gods work" of mystical couciousness and world leadership.
Sequencial-generic-fundemental foundation;Global cereation, 'eucharist. collective history Organology revolutionof people.
Enterprisae origin of nonevolution , modern correct practices -time-frames;'concensuses of work, 'adventis 'timeframe, metaphores. congrtegations R&D Anatomy individual . Enterprise concensus multi-direction image ,reflecting 'lunar tradjectory 'jurisprudence, "god; surrenity,salvation ,sustyainance. construct from theosiphic ideology;Organology;histology;scriptures manuscripts, 'character of covanant. Reasources -techmnology -exodus sequencial-gemneric, 'Methodology enroute; Script toolds: con censuses ; binary improvisation. United world 5g 'lifeparth {dna}
hieroglyphic mapping 'new world
Human reasource has an emotional form (Scripture) and an oral form intelligence(Tradition). Human reasource is interpreted, preserved, expounded, and taught through the Successors of the Apostles. And is central to the findings to the exsistencial sensory of consciousness and world intelligence, ‘permitted to be arranged under the authority of social norm human reasources policy's.chronological events of pedogogal, inheritance of the cononicle ontology; 'doctorine of unified metabolic algorithm; 'process,developedment and growth; ‘guidance-direction ‘creation apfredesiac; aligned creation enterprise censuses; advancedment of 'intuitive concious,'logistic creation,asynchronous,soial-ethic;revolution from statutory human rights constitution;
hieroglyphic collaborators incubator
hieroglyphic collaborators incubator
‘covenant poetic benediction of sciences ‘field of life endeavors, geographic ontology, ontology
of man,world,animal as the holy grail,
Calendar/Actions-From the sevenday adventis {genesis} are formed of the world and endeavor
of supremacy of man, and lifeform conservation/preservation ‘diversity biographic manifesto of
creation 'biographic mechanology from creation logistics evolution.
Within the 'modern 'Enterprise Architecture;
'selfsufficient' 'Understanding' gift of life work. "Mystic tradition" 'the social "enterprise" impetus' of "guidance/direction" '5g 'compose, 'in the field of life endeavors', intrinsic/estoric 'manipulation of the 'compose-composite' 'textile", i.p 'mapping tradjectory' of 'the new world', i.q 'path of life' or re-integrated findings to the 'e.q "hieroglyphic'transcendental prophecy" Organic 'intelligence methodology',{kredos} 'life vocations 'work of compose-composite, 'nucleotide of 'creation plotter', {reproduction} poetry in motion', from the 'benediction of the covenant', 'to compile 'branch', 'sequential-generic' 'construct of implementation', generated from the intrinsic 'united binary' 'pedogogi'.
'Naturalization capability, ‘capacity to ‘process the democracy augmentation of canonical binary; skillset methodology. Re-occurring ‘methodology co-ordinated in ethical translation; constants manifestation of ‘horizon’ perpetual life via synchronization from production {augmented a.i}; geometric transmission of provision from the productivity elixir 'exodus; geometric ‘binary developedment for transformation of compiled interactive-intellectual cyberspace data/information codes of the hieroglyphics property’s,values and estoric quality linguistics; architecture logical geographic secret, of the geneology; 'mystic tradition . machine-learning, and the sociology, 'intrinsic/estoric 'innovative prodigy; discovery/ system for “designconstant” Transformation pre-ordainedment of eucharist tradition stratedgic linguistic option/change; ■ Arts descriptor for ‘productive ‘human compliance; ‘actions for millenia evolution; logic of ‘ui-ux clergy-labour, allocated in behalf of ‘human adaptive naturalization in ‘human geneology {human species} interpret creation, ‘true humility of man., in co-operation with ‘divine-creator ‘purpose from creation antiquity; penance, equity, family; from accountable ‘human anatomic consciousness; ‘alighnment to ’creation ‘theological decore of human being.
■ Anthropology ‘ethics ‘authentic creation logistics, ‘framework of ‘compose decadence’. ‘from ‘statutory protocols’,”forager instinctive creativity” equilibrium consciousness’, ‘from compose’,creation ‘implementation image’ ‘comprehensive productivity’, ‘authentic orthodox’ equalibrium consciousness of ‘the survival/exsistence growth and developedment process; ‘purpose, cause, meaning.‘Human stewardship’, ‘forager’, ’scholars’, of ’collective’, demographics’, ‘chartered and unchartered’,territory’s and inhabited ergronomic ‘naturalization functuality, of inherited endeavours to ‘ergronomic equalibrium, ’intellectual interaction’,
■ ‘Design dimensions from compose. ‘human frequency’s’ of reproduceable character profiles in garden variety’ of “compose “psyco anology” ‘branch’ ‘proportional form’ of ‘creation composite’: ‘field o...
congregation consultation economics
Hieroglyphic creation orientation
Ontologic conversion of Transformations
Vision of structured methodological ordinance. Varification in the presents of the function, operation and process which methodology’s are implemented according to their ‘generic compose-composite’,ecological: ‘classes,grouping or applications. Recoursing the geneology of natural {catastrophic} circumstances and the intelligence to restore preserve, ergronomic asset, ‘reflecting foundation of ‘unified performance constructs,’ occipital geneology’ as in ‘god’ recovery, in our will to control the ill’s known to destiny of human belonging , at a rate and measure of Traditional techniques skillset, exposing the completeness of enterprise data accuracy to ‘intrinsic, ‘lexical’ logistic metaphors of truth “Orthodoxy” of enterprise ethnic, doctorine ‘clerical/vocation of etiquette /patent,eloquence of meaning to ‘productive function,process, . Monad creation tradition framework, architecture priority compilation.
{garden of eden}
Sector/topology from implementation codex {anthropology} source from, human civilization stages of hieroglyphic, manuscript narrarator skillset resembling the ‘terminator’ of subsistence horizon methodology, ‘translating the composite variable creation transformation’ for profficient, ‘geneology acoustic information, efficient scope/scale in Industry, commercial, domestic product in ‘productive complance’ with world anthropological node, ‘philosophy, Millenia’manuscript,’funding ,prospector ‘study of demographic employment workforce, ‘call to action’ unity from ‘restorative proportions, of creation, composite reasource from source ‘animate-inanimate, ecological industrial, ‘corporate identity to secret society of creation Inclusion ‘diversity’ adventis ‘mission’.entrepreneur compile dynasty of ‘gospel ‘newcity’. From social foundation initiatives. Orientation of “Enterprise”, ‘demographic’ population divine-celestial inhabitant.
An anthropology of love
Proffesional diochamy and celestial ontology, mapping millenia interface of congregations education curricular to fit the “euchariast”, ‘understanding of man creation’ {design canvas} creation ecological anatomous, innovation wisdom ‘organology of creator persona in binary hierarchy hieroglyphic-holographic compliant ‘build-data schematic-construction implementation schematics relative parallel professional construction , to align with benediction of profiles; flesh, property ,values,quality,security,psycological doctorination of enterprise geneology . ‘trust’! ‘man-world-animal’ curricular “regiemen”.
Community self sustainance
Majestarium ‘Oversee ‘intuitive consciousness, ‘methodology, of biographic manuscript for productive composite maintainance and restoration manifesto of euchacial literature biological ‘anatomic’ ‘wisdom’ of process, growth, developedment scope-magnitude of e.q-i.q in ‘wisdom of multi-dimension composite, “plotter methodology; expansion, forward progress , ‘administrative ethnic form /suit, of governance from polynomer/ industry, ‘evolving tradition mystic.
Dynasty of man, asset of man heaven
The polynomer –Implimentation ”Collective archeive of acclimatized being ,of adaptation. Philosiphic dynasty; compassion and empathy,toward multi-dimensional ecliptic creation assortment and variety of ‘creation ‘enterprise composite’ ‘deity’ of lifepath’, from ‘animate-inanimate’ creation cosmology {purpose}.
Infrastructure framework,
Selfsustainance community, evolution ‘ecosystem. Intuitive methodology of conciousness
Compilatory design alignment
Unique ‘cosmic instrument of balance’ in creation ethnic work, implied and verified ‘to ecological compliance. Redesigned understanding for the application initiative of ’Empiric Dynasty’ as a foundation of life’s past architecture algorithms, as a compilation of techniques extracted from many philosophy’s of collective creation ‘unicorn’, precision alignment conflicts, reduce conflicts or redesign n/a on conflicts which disrupt manuscript preceedures from alignment in ‘united-binary’ interface of multi-dimensional assortment/variety of ‘creation ‘metaphore theory’ in ‘field of science matrix’s to ‘connect’ creation, innovation prodigy. polynomer congregation all Unified balance “oneness”. A true evidenced based belief in the priority and primary creation. ‘prodigy in ordinance’ of ’ontology/organology’ and canonical gospel lifesystem restoration, conveyed through and bestowed of life primary interconnection with creator and ‘creative-arts’ united laws’, “progression experience/precision, ‘ordinance with “positivism’ supremacy,manifestation, pop culture ‘composite logic{istic} composite manuscript/mechanology for vertical/horizontal,
architecture implimentation
Complete implementation schematics to comply to the sustainance profile of ’Urban ecology’, the composite cosmos {concrete jungle}, enabling objective for life defining ecological ‘assets training’ for creation selfsustainance enterprise simulation of “virtual curricular /regiemen, and ‘circular- vertical /horizontal application presentations”. acquired or subjective to the mission of this enterprise. Collective ecological taxonomy. Profile of integral social ‘Justice’.
Universe Transformationbinaries
Binaries of the new world, Topology of binary ‘creation, ‘creative arts’ (binary) 'field of life endeavours polynomer ‘implementation Topology’ .Selfsustainance manuscripts, ‘creation mechanology’, ‘hieroglyphic cultural metaphors, ‘control, 'terminator methodology’ of ‘subsistence harvest, 'providence of lifesystem doctorine, statutory’ ethnic society, methodology, of survival and exsistence.’in field of life endeavors.
‘Compilatory-hypothesis’ for multi-dimensional, genealogy, ‘prophecy of ‘millenium’ composite, ‘ordainedment of life composite reflection from construction, composite design ‘diversity’ ‘elements compiled’ ‘through receptors’ of composite ‘lifeform survival consciousness’, {memory}, from all life endeavors of creation lifesystem/infrastructure, “Unicorn, ‘vertical-horizontal’”‘cononical componentry’, for hieroglyphic asset of creation. ‘Linguistics’. Connectivity to man’s empathy to creation earth/dirty prophecy’s , research of lifestyles,. 5 covenant , to 4/4 quarters of ‘the 21st Century ecliptic revolution of creation selfsustainance initiative of creation democracy ‘unicorn’ .
Human rights
Business Architecture
Advantage, Enterprise individual ‘revelation animate ‘biological standing of ‘ecological and methodologic’, creation binary contact throughout ‘enterprise’ node eco-system hieroglyphic Infrastructure, arial installation ‘augmente
cd’ construction plotter to maintain for forensic/ballistic variable creation ‘doctorine’ plotter runtime instrumental paradox, ‘Virtue of natural-order/selfsustainance. Relative ‘horizontal-Vertical’ ‘Fundemental-foundation of “creation call to action” Sociology; lifeform collective selfsustainance. Apprentices of exsistence/survival. Modern , developedment, mature vision, interpretation of guidance and direction, relive ‘plotter’ impetus of creation equity-taxes, ‘return ‘truth ‘enterprise-architecture. Combine implementation’ “ all aspects of interpreting creation {hieroglyphic’} ‘ethnic mapping”}. Community-collaboration .
“Evolution millenium”. societal alignment.
Trait’s and trades of ‘first nations’ survival ‘essentials/nessesity’s, ‘scripture/manuscript of ‘creation algorithm’s, ‘collective law’s of creation, ‘composite philosophy’, ”the revelations” of “all livingthings”, ‘co-relative ‘adaptability’, to ‘creation ‘evolution, ’lexical, ‘build’ constructs of millenia, ‘purpose and meaning’.
Horizontal-vertical composite anthropology
Ontology of vertical ascention. Society majestics”, {human collaboration} of ‘purpose’. ‘Selfsustainance diochamy’ for ‘empiric capitalism ,‘curricular impetus’{procreation} of tactical ‘millenia tradjectory policy’.
Infrastructure Professional dioch
Social information constructs, of ‘economically driven’ ‘Global Enterprise’ as Buisnesses students, from productive compose stratedgic alignment ‘roots’ operations; arts, engineering, Creation ‘Anthropological’ immigration ‘workpass’, interacting with the workforce and ‘curriculum’ adjendar’, representation of enterprise ‘professional competance; conduct-contact-logistics-organization compliance , proficiency. {apple of eden}
Celestial tradjectory, robust demographics
Dissidence of the greatest endurance known to man world over proficient efficient in compliance to many of the popular standards and creative ability’s of ontology emancipation incentives of interrelative’ geographic, initiatives {unified ordered mandate of creation enterprise} will ‘options of life, via choice,priveledge,opportunity, gifted persona of accomplishment to ‘discipline’ of ‘enterprise’ compliance {horizon stratedgic methodology of man’ontology endeavor’ of trust truth holding endeavor of stockpile reasources and capital of human selfsustainance . Enterprise welcomes to the unveiling and clerity about the canonical, world and life education/anatomy of ‘liturgic’survival . {Celestial productive applications}.
Pro-dioch Israel-Nebuchadnezzar
Continuation of enterprise ‘Urban’Rural frameworks componentry {green componentry}, ‘regulated, stipulation of ‘extended “United” “Global compose transformations” “toolbox”: ’Kredos’,brand’, ‘trend’, “vertical ecological ”Celestial selfsustainance”, “corporation” “Plannar-Plotter” “scale- to ‘canonical “enterprise operations”.
Urban-Rural’ {holygrail} decadence ‘Israel-Nebuchadnezzar’, ‘World liturgy’ counsil’ for ‘sustainable ‘Enterprise Artchitecture‘ ethnic cosmology’ social diciplines of ‘enterprise’purpose’ and functions.
Enterprise ecological taxonomy
Monad architecture of the liturgy. Are founded to employ’, logical countenance, benediction of service to congreg...
buiusness demographic analytics
Hieroglyphic creation orientation
Ontologic conversion of Transformations
Vision of structured methodological ordinance. Varification in the presents of the function, operation and process which methodology’s are implemented according to their ‘generic compose-composite’,ecological: ‘classes,grouping or applications. Recoursing the geneology of natural {catastrophic} circumstances and the intelligence to restore preserve, ergronomic asset, ‘reflecting foundation of ‘unified performance constructs,’ occipital geneology’ as in ‘god’ recovery, in our will to control the ill’s known to destiny of human belonging , at a rate and measure of Traditional techniques skillset, exposing the completeness of enterprise data accuracy to ‘intrinsic, ‘lexical’ logistic metaphors of truth “Orthodoxy” of enterprise ethnic, doctorine ‘clerical/vocation of etiquette /patent,eloquence of meaning to ‘productive function,process, . Monad creation tradition framework, architecture priority compilation.
{garden of eden}
Sector/topology from implementation codex {anthropology} source from, human civilization stages of hieroglyphic, manuscript narrarator skillset resembling the ‘terminator’ of subsistence horizon methodology, ‘translating the composite variable creation transformation’ for profficient, ‘geneology acoustic information, efficient scope/scale in Industry, commercial, domestic product in ‘productive complance’ with world anthropological node, ‘philosophy, Millenia’manuscript,’funding ,prospector ‘study of demographic employment workforce, ‘call to action’ unity from ‘restorative proportions, of creation, composite reasource from source ‘animate-inanimate, ecological industrial, ‘corporate identity to secret society of creation Inclusion ‘diversity’ adventis ‘mission’.entrepreneur compile dynasty of ‘gospel ‘newcity’. From social foundation initiatives. Orientation of “Enterprise”, ‘demographic’ population divine-celestial inhabitant.
An anthropology of love
Proffesional diochamy and celestial ontology, mapping millenia interface of congregations education curricular to fit the “euchariast”, ‘understanding of man creation’ {design canvas} creation ecological anatomous, innovation wisdom ‘organology of creator persona in binary hierarchy hieroglyphic-holographic compliant ‘build-data schematic-construction implementation schematics relative parallel professional construction , to align with benediction of profiles; flesh, property ,values,quality,security,psycological doctorination of enterprise geneology . ‘trust’! ‘man-world-animal’ curricular “regiemen”.
Community self sustainance
Majestarium ‘Oversee ‘intuitive consciousness, ‘methodology, of biographic manuscript for productive composite maintainance and restoration manifesto of euchacial literature biological ‘anatomic’ ‘wisdom’ of process, growth, developedment scope-magnitude of e.q-i.q in ‘wisdom of multi-dimension composite, “plotter methodology; expansion, forward progress , ‘administrative ethnic form /suit, of governance from polynomer/ industry, ‘evolving tradition mystic.
Dynasty of man, asset of man heaven
The polynomer –Implimentation ”Collective archeive of acclimatized being ,of adaptation. Philosiphic dynasty; compassion and empathy,toward multi-dimensional ecliptic creation assortment and variety of ‘creation ‘enterprise composite’ ‘deity’ of lifepath’, from ‘animate-inanimate’ creation cosmology {purpose}.
Infrastructure framework,
Selfsustainance community, evolution ‘ecosystem. Intuitive methodology of conciousness
Compilatory design alignment
Unique ‘cosmic instrument of balance’ in creation ethnic work, implied and verified ‘to ecological compliance. Redesigned understanding for the application initiative of ’Empiric Dynasty’ as a foundation of life’s past architecture algorithms, as a compilation of techniques extracted from many philosophy’s of collective creation ‘unicorn’, precision alignment conflicts, reduce conflicts or redesign n/a on conflicts which disrupt manuscript preceedures from alignment in ‘united-binary’ interface of multi-dimensional assortment/variety of ‘creation ‘metaphore theory’ in ‘field of science matrix’s to ‘connect’ creation, innovation prodigy. polynomer congregation all Unified balance “oneness”. A true evidenced based belief in the priority and primary creation. ‘prodigy in ordinance’ of ’ontology/organology’ and canonical gospel lifesystem restoration, conveyed through and bestowed of life primary interconnection with creator and ‘creative-arts’ united laws’, “progression experience/precision, ‘ordinance with “positivism’ supremacy,manifestation, pop culture ‘composite logic{istic} composite manuscript/mechanology for vertical/horizontal,
architecture implimentation
Complete implementation schematics to comply to the sustainance profile of ’Urban ecology’, the composite cosmos {concrete jungle}, enabling objective for life defining ecological ‘assets training’ for creation selfsustainance enterprise simulation of “virtual curricular /regiemen, and ‘circular- vertical /horizontal application presentations”. acquired or subjective to the mission of this enterprise. Collective ecological taxonomy. Profile of integral social ‘Justice’.
Universe Transformationbinaries
Binaries of the new world, Topology of binary ‘creation, ‘creative arts’ (binary) 'field of life endeavours polynomer ‘implementation Topology’ .Selfsustainance manuscripts, ‘creation mechanology’, ‘hieroglyphic cultural metaphors, ‘control, 'terminator methodology’ of ‘subsistence harvest, 'providence of lifesystem doctorine, statutory’ ethnic society, methodology, of survival and exsistence.’in field of life endeavors.
‘Compilatory-hypothesis’ for multi-dimensional, genealogy, ‘prophecy of ‘millenium’ composite, ‘ordainedment of life composite reflection from construction, composite design ‘diversity’ ‘elements compiled’ ‘through receptors’ of composite ‘lifeform survival consciousness’, {memory}, from all life endeavors of creation lifesystem/infrastructure, “Unicorn, ‘vertical-horizontal’”‘cononical componentry’, for hieroglyphic asset of creation. ‘Linguistics’. Connectivity to man’s empathy to creation earth/dirty prophecy’s , research of lifestyles,. 5 covenant , to 4/4 quarters of ‘the 21st Century ecliptic revolution of creation selfsustainance initiative of creation democracy ‘unicorn’ .
Human rights
Business Architecture
Advantage, Enterprise individual ‘revelation animate ‘biological standing of ‘ecological and methodologic’, creation binary contact throughout ‘enterprise’ node eco-system hieroglyphic Infrastructure, arial installation ‘augmente
cd’ construction plotter to maintain for forensic/ballistic variable creation ‘doctorine’ plotter runtime instrumental paradox, ‘Virtue of natural-order/selfsustainance. Relative ‘horizontal-Vertical’ ‘Fundemental-foundation of “creation call to action” Sociology; lifeform collective selfsustainance. Apprentices of exsistence/survival. Modern , developedment, mature vision, interpretation of guidance and direction, relive ‘plotter’ impetus of creation equity-taxes, ‘return ‘truth ‘enterprise-architecture. Combine implementation’ “ all aspects of interpreting creation {hieroglyphic’} ‘ethnic mapping”}. Community-collaboration .
“Evolution millenium”. societal alignment.
Trait’s and trades of ‘first nations’ survival ‘essentials/nessesity’s, ‘scripture/manuscript of ‘creation algorithm’s, ‘collective law’s of creation, ‘composite philosophy’, ”the revelations” of “all livingthings”, ‘co-relative ‘adaptability’, to ‘creation ‘evolution, ’lexical, ‘build’ constructs of millenia, ‘purpose and meaning’.
Horizontal-vertical composite anthropology
Ontology of vertical ascention. Society majestics”, {human collaboration} of ‘purpose’. ‘Selfsustainance diochamy’ for ‘empiric capitalism ,‘curricular impetus’{procreation} of tactical ‘millenia tradjectory policy’.
Infrastructure Professional dioch
Social information constructs, of ‘economically driven’ ‘Global Enterprise’ as Buisnesses students, from productive compose stratedgic alignment ‘roots’ operations; arts, engineering, Creation ‘Anthropological’ immigration ‘workpass’, interacting with the workforce and ‘curriculum’ adjendar’, representation of enterprise ‘professional competance; conduct-contact-logistics-organization compliance , proficiency. {apple of eden}
Celestial tradjectory, robust demographics
Dissidence of the greatest endurance known to man world over proficient efficient in compliance to many of the popular standards and creative ability’s of ontology emancipation incentives of interrelative’ geographic, initiatives {unified ordered mandate of creation enterprise} will ‘options of life, via choice,priveledge,opportunity, gifted persona of accomplishment to ‘discipline’ of ‘enterprise’ compliance {horizon stratedgic methodology of man’ontology endeavor’ of trust truth holding endeavor of stockpile reasources and capital of human selfsustainance . Enterprise welcomes to the unveiling and clerity about the canonical, world and life education/anatomy of ‘liturgic’survival . {Celestial productive applications}.
Pro-dioch Israel-Nebuchadnezzar
Continuation of enterprise ‘Urban’Rural frameworks componentry {green componentry}, ‘regulated, stipulation of ‘extended “United” “Global compose transformations” “toolbox”: ’Kredos’,brand’, ‘trend’, “vertical ecological ”Celestial selfsustainance”, “corporation” “Plannar-Plotter” “scale- to ‘canonical “enterprise operations”.
Urban-Rural’ {holygrail} decadence ‘Israel-Nebuchadnezzar’, ‘World liturgy’ counsil’ for ‘sustainable ‘Enterprise Artchitecture‘ ethnic cosmology’ social diciplines of ‘enterprise’purpose’ and functions.
Enterprise ecological taxonomy
Monad architecture of the liturgy. Are founded to employ’, logical countenance, benediction of service to congreg...