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File metadata and controls

103 lines (81 loc) · 4.65 KB

Project Overview & Objective:

Create a Car Shop application with user-friendly features, secure authentication, and smooth product management. Ensure the platform is responsive, error-free, and visually appealing.

Main Functionalities: 45 marks

1. User Registration & Authentication (Role-Based)

  • Secure Registration and Login:
    • Users can register with the following fields: name, email, and password. By default the registered user will have the user role. Note: You will have to update a user to admin manually. No need to implement the super admin functionality.
    • Passwords must be securely hashed before storing in the database.
    • Users can log in using their email and password.
  • JWT (JSON Web Token):
    • Generate a JWT token upon login for secure authentication.
    • Store the token in local storage to maintain user sessions.
  • Logout:
    • Clear the token from local storage upon logout and redirect the user to the login page.

2. Public Routes

  1. Home Page:
    • Navbar: Include a logo, favicon, navigation items, and buttons for login/signup and other interactions where necessary.
    • Banner: Highlight your platform or special offers. You can use carousel if you want.
    • Featured Products: Display up to 6 products with a "View All" button. On clicking the View All button, the user will be redirected to the All Products Page.
    • Extra Section: Add relevant e-commerce content, such as testimonials or blogs.
    • Footer: Include essential links, social media icons, and contact details.
  2. All Products Page: * Search Functionality: Allow users to search by brand, car name, or category. * Filters: Include options for price range, model, brand, category, and availability. * Dynamic Results: Results should be updated based on search terms or selected filters. * Product Cards: Show details like name, brand, model, price, and category. * Include a "View Details" button for each product.
  3. Product Details Page:
    • Display the product image and detailed information.
    • Provide a "Buy Now" button that redirects to the checkout page.
  4. About Page:
    • Create an informative page about your shop and its mission.
    • Add any other relevant details.

3. Private Routes

  1. Checkout Page:
    • Users can place orders for products.
    • Ensure the ordered quantity does not exceed the product stock.
      • Order Form: Include product details, user details, total price calculation, and payment method.
      • Payment Integration: Integrate SurjoPay as the payment gateway.
    • Include an "Order Now" button to confirm the purchase.
  2. Dashboard (Role-Based Access): * Admin Dashboard: Features include managing users (e.g., deactivating accounts), managing products (CRUD), and managing orders(CRUD). * User Dashboard: Features include viewing orders and managing profile settings. * Allow users to update passwords (require current password for security).

UI/UX Design: 15 marks

  • Responsive Design:
    • Ensure the platform works seamlessly on all screen sizes.
    • Use proper alignment, typography, and intuitive layouts.
  • Error Handling:
    • Show user-friendly error messages for:
      • Invalid login credentials.
      • Registration errors (e.g., duplicate email).
      • Failed operations (e.g., out-of-stock products).
  • Loading States:
    • Display spinners or loaders during API calls, such as on login or data fetch.
  • Toasts:
    • Notify users of important actions (e.g., "Login successful", "Order placed", etc).

Recommendation Functionalities (Optional)

Track Order Section (Dashboard):

User Side

  1. Track Order Status:
    • Display current order status (Pending, Processing, Shipped, Delivered) with a progress bar or step indicator.
    • Show clear labels for each step in the process.
  2. Order Tracking Page:
    • Add a "Track My Order" page in the user dashboard.
    • Show key order details:
      • Order ID
      • Product name, quantity, and price
      • Estimated delivery date
      • Current status

Admin Side

  1. Update Order Status:
    • Add a dropdown in the Admin Dashboard to update order statuses (Pending, Processing, Shipped, Delivered) and a field for giving the estimated delivery date
  2. Reflect Updates:
    • Ensure status changes are automatically visible to users.