This Flutter app is designed to manage attendance, track the user's location, and provide calendar-based functionality. It includes features such as viewing attendance details, tracking members' locations on a Google map, and selecting dates for attendance using a calendar.
- User Attendance Tracking: Displays a list of members with their last active times.
- Calendar Integration: Allows users to select dates to view attendance data.
- Location Tracking: Navigates to a Google Map to display member location data with markers and routes.
- Drawer Navigation: Includes a side drawer with navigation options like "Attendance," "Activity," "Team," and "Logout", etc.
- Dart
- Flutter
- Google-maps API
- Android Studio
- This project uses the following dependencies:
- google_maps_flutter: To display Google Maps.
- flutter: For app development.
- This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- Google Maps API for displaying the maps and location features.
- Flutter SDK for making the app development process fast and easy.