The Tasks project originated as a college assignment for construction exercises in the Server-Side Web Programming and Scripting Programming Languages courses.
The project's objective was to create a task management program with user authentication and hierarchical relationships, where the Comment class contains objects of the User and Task classes.
The webpage showcases knowledge of the following web technologies: AngularJS v1.6.9 with jQuery 3.2.1, PHP 7, and Bootstrap 4.4.1 for design. MySQL was used as the database.
- View and update their profile information
- Visit profiles of other individuals they collaborate with on tasks
- Browse their completed and unfinished tasks, which can be sorted and searched by name
- Comment on their own tasks (those they are assigned to) and mark them as completed; they can also edit and delete their comments on these tasks
- View created tasks, which can be sorted and searched by name, and create new tasks
- Edit, comment on, and delete created tasks, as well as edit and delete their comments on these tasks
- In case a user who created a resolved task does not consider it truly completed, they can return it to the execution state
To run the project, you need to install XAMPP and then start Apache and MySQL through it.
Next, copy the Tasks folder to C:\xampp\htdocs
Access the link to the database: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php.
In phpMyAdmin, create a database named zadaci
(Character Set should be set to Collation), and then import the zadaci.sql
file located in the root of the project.
Access the application through the link: http://localhost/zadaci/index.php#!/.