A boilerplate for applications based in MySQL, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS with PassportJS authentication.
This is my first approach to a NodeJS + AngularJS application. I need to migrate a PHP+MySQL web, but I don't want to migrate to MongoDB.
src This is main projet. Download and run npm install to install all modules and dependencies. Then run node or nodemon to start server. You have to configure database in _src/server/_shared/config.js
src/client An angular web client. I include bootstrap css, angular and ngtable libs. There is only views for login and list/manage users.
src/server A nodejs-expressjs REST API server. Implements the API access for query MySQL database. Authentication is implemented with PassportJS.
database In this folder you have a mysql script to load the database schema and a few data (an admin user, with 'admin' pass).
There is many to do right now :-D
- Implement test, for server and for client.
- Add centraliced error management in server.
- Add error control in client.
- Verify roles in server for add, update or delete...
Add i18n translations (review angular-translate).