This project provides a ROS 2 interface for controlling a drone using the PX4 autopilot in offboard mode. It includes nodes for keyboard control, offboard control, visualization, and more. The setup is primarily designed for simulation with PX4 SITL (Software In The Loop) and can be extended for use with real drones.
The project was inspired by the following sources:
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd dron_px4_ros2_docker/docker docker-compose up --build
Build the Workspace:
colcon build --packages-select px4_msgs px4_ros_com colcon build --packages-select aerial_drone_base
Source the Workspace:
source install/setup.bash
Launch the ROS 2 nodes required for controlling the drone:
ros2 launch aerial_drone_base
Run a script to collect data from a drone
ros2 run aerial_drone_base
This launch file will start the following nodes:
- processes_node: Manages different background processes such as the PX4 SITL simulation.
- control_node: Handles the offboard control and sends commands to PX4.
- velocity_node: Manages the drone's velocity commands.
- visualizer_node: Provides visualization tools for Rviz.
Use the following keys to control the drone:
- W: Move Up
- S: Move Down
- A: Yaw Left
- D: Yaw Right
- Up Arrow: Pitch Forward
- Down Arrow: Pitch Backward
- Left Arrow: Roll Left
- Right Arrow: Roll Right
- Q: Increase linear and angular speed
- Z: Decrease linear and angular speed
- E: Increase angular speed only
- C: Decrease angular speed only
- Space: Arm or disarm the drone
- CTRL+C: Exit the teleop node
- If the drone doesn't respond to commands, ensure that the PX4 is running properly and that the nodes are correctly launched.
- Check the ROS 2 topics to ensure messages are being published correctly:
ros2 topic list
- Monitor logs for any errors or warnings.
It's important to ensure that the PX4 versions are consistent across all components of your system. When working with px4_msgs and px4_ros_com, it's essential to use the same version as the PX4 firmware, such as 1.14. Mismatched versions can lead to compatibility issues, affecting communication between the ROS 2 nodes and the PX4 autopilot. Make sure to check out the correct branches or tags in the repositories to align with your PX4 firmware version.
- PX4 Documentation:
- ROS 2 Documentation:
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
For questions or support, please contact:
- Name: Pisarenko Anton
- Email:
- Telegram: antonSHBK