A React application that fetches and displays news articles from an API based on selected categories and countries. It includes features like category filtering, pagination, and detailed article views.

You can view a live demo of the project [here](#).
Category Filtering: Allows users to filter news articles by Business, Technology, Entertainment, Health, Science, and Sports categories.
Pagination: Implements pagination to navigate through multiple pages of articles.
Article Details: Clicking on an article card displays detailed information including the title, image (if available), content, author, publication date, and a link to the full article.
Responsive Design: Ensures the application is usable and looks good across various devices and screen sizes.
- React: Frontend framework for building user interfaces.
- Redux: State management library for managing application state.
- React Router: Library for handling navigation and routing in React applications.
- Styled Components: Library for styling React components using tagged template literals.
- News API: Used for fetching news article data.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Anshuldhakate/news-portal.git cd news-portal
Install dependencies: npm install
Set up your environment variables: REACT_APP_NEWS_API_KEY=0ea5e0b2d8fd4b1ea376ce92a4814427
Start the development server: npm start
- Select a category from the filter to view articles related to that category.
- Use pagination to navigate through multiple pages of articles.
- Click on an article card to view detailed information including the article's title, image, content, author, publication date, and a link to the full article.
Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps to contribute:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/improvement).
- Make your changes.
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add new feature').
- Push to the branch (git push origin feature/improvement).
- Create a new Pull Request.