To create pacman
compatible packages run the following command:
# Default build from scratch - only depends on nodejs for the runtime
makepkg -p PKGBUILD --log --clean -f --syncdeps --rmdeps
# Download the prebuilt files from GitHub - no build or dependencies
makepkg -p PKGBUILD_BIN --log --clean -f
# The same as building from scratch but use the latest commit on the main branch
makepkg -p PKGBUILD_GIT --log --clean -f --syncdeps --rmdeps
You can add --install
to instantly install the built package.
Or you can run pacman -U /package/folder/name.tar.zst
To test it on Windows you can install Arch-Linux and run the following commands:
pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring && pacman -Su
pacman -S binutils git
# Create non root user to run makepkg command
useradd newuser
passwd newuser
# Change to non root user
su newuser
# Or run a command as non root user
sudo -u newuser %command%
# Create home directory for user
mkdir -p /home/newuser
chown newuser:newuser /home/newuser
usermod -d /home/newuser newuser
To get sudo
access you need to do the following:
vim /etc/sudoers
Then uncomment the lines to allow sudo elevation:
Defaults targetpw # Ask for the password of the target user
ALL ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL # WARNING: only use this together with 'Defaults targetpw'
In case you get an error surrounding Windows characters run:
sudo pacman -S dos2unix
dos2unix PKGBUILD
If you are on a slow machine you can skip the compression step by editing the file /etc/makepkg.conf
# Uncomment the default:
# And insert the following line instead:
Now you can turn off compression by running:
PKGEXT=.tar makepkg -p PKGBUILD
To create a Windows installer install Nullsoft Scriptable Install System from their official site:
Then after installing add the install directory to your environment path so that you can use the command makensis
npm install
npm run build
npm run package:windows
cd installer
makensis windows_installer.nsi
With the following page the man page can be updated and viewed for testing.
npm run create:manPage && pandoc "installer/" -s -t man -o "installer/man.1" && man -l "installer/man.1"