ConvO is an one stop solution for secure,fast and Messaging Platform, moreover it is simple and small.Now you can update your profile with Photos, and send Photos and Files easily as in Whatsapp but at Higher Efficiency and Additional File Size.
It's an Open source Project aimed to Develop Convinient and faster Messaging Service in India,to make India as # Atma-Nirbar(Self-Dependent) #. You can contribute to the project by Forking up with new Branch.
Currently there are 8 branches with Different functionality among them 2 are completely based on Cloud Meassaging and 3 on UI development,another 3 on Local-storage Development
1)Download the app from the given link :
NOTE: Do not fake your Phone num as it helps finding Firends and users ,Do not fake email as well...if you forget-password you wouldnt be able to recover again
NOTE: Please give Password with 1 small letter,1 Caps,1 num,1 special symbol and length range is 6-16
If you have any doubt you can contact me @
Below there are some Screenshots ...Hope it helps :)