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Setting up a YARN cluster

For simple local demos, a Hadoop pseudo-distributed cluster will suffice -if on a VM then its configuration should be changed to use a public (machine public) IP.

The examples below all assume there is a cluster node called 'master', which

hosts the HDFS NameNode and the YARN Resource Manager


export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/home/hoya/conf
export PATH=/home/hoya/hadoop/bin:/home/hoya/hadoop/sbin:~/zookeeper-3.4.5/bin:$PATH

hdfs namenode -format master

start all the services

nohup hdfs --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR namenode & 
nohup hdfs --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR datanode &

nohup yarn --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR resourcemanager &
nohup yarn --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR nodemanager &

using hadoop/sbin service launchers --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR --script hdfs start namenode --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR --script hdfs start datanode --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR start resourcemanager --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR start nodemanager

~/zookeeper/bin/ start

stop them --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR --script hdfs stop namenode --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR --script hdfs stop datanode --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR stop resourcemanager --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR stop nodemanager

NN up on http://master:50070/dfshealth.jsp RM --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR start nodemanager

~/zookeeper/bin/ start

# shutdown
~/zookeeper/bin/ stop

Tip: after a successful run on a local cluster, do a quick rm -rf $HADOOP_HOME/logs to keep the log bloat under control.

get hbase in

copy to local

get hbase-0.97.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar on 

hdfs dfs -rm hdfs://master:9090/hbase.tar
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal hbase-0.97.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar hdfs://master:9090/hbase.tar


hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal hbase-0.96.0-bin.tar hdfs://master:9090/hbase.tar
hdfs dfs -ls hdfs://master:9090/

Optional: point bin/hoya at your chosen cluster configuration

export HOYA_CONF_DIR=~/Projects/hoya/hoya-core/src/test/configs/ubuntu-secure/hoya

Optional: Clean up any existing hoya cluster details

This is for demos only, otherwise you lose the clusters and their databases.

hdfs dfs -rm -r hdfs://master:9090/user/home/stevel/.hoya

Create a Hoya Cluster

hoya  create cl1 \
--role worker 1  --role master 1 \
 --manager master:8032 --filesystem hdfs://master:9090 \
 --zkhosts localhost --image hdfs://master:9090/hbase.tar

# create the cluster

hoya create cl1 \
 --role worker 4 --role master 1 \
  --manager master:8032 --filesystem hdfs://master:9090 --zkhosts localhost \
  --image hdfs://master:9090/hbase.tar \
  --appconf file:////Users/hoya/Hadoop/configs/master/hbase \
  --roleopt master app.infoport 8080 \
  --roleopt master jvm.heap 128 \
  --roleopt master env.MALLOC_ARENA_MAX 4 \
  --roleopt worker app.infoport 8081 \
  --roleopt worker jvm.heap 128 

# freeze the cluster
hoya freeze cl1 \
--manager master:8032 --filesystem hdfs://master:9090

# thaw a cluster
hoya thaw cl1 \
--manager master:8032 --filesystem hdfs://master:9090

# destroy the cluster
hoya destroy cl1 \
--manager master:8032 --filesystem hdfs://master:9090

# list clusters
hoya list cl1 \
--manager master:8032 --filesystem hdfs://master:9090

hoya flex cl1 --role worker 2
--manager master:8032 --filesystem hdfs://master:9090 \
--role worker 5

Create an Accumulo Cluster

hoya create accl1 --provider accumulo \
--role master 1 --role tserver 1 --role gc 1 --role monitor 1 --role tracer 1 \
--manager localhost:8032 --filesystem hdfs://localhost:9000 \
--zkhosts localhost --zkpath /local/zookeeper \
--image hdfs://localhost:9000/user/username/accumulo-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar \
--appconf hdfs://localhost:9000/user/username/accumulo-conf \
-O zk.home /local/zookeeper -O hadoop.home /local/hadoop \
-O site.monitor.port.client 50095 -O accumulo.password secret