- 🔭 I’m currently a Student
- 💬 Ask me about MachineLearning, DataScience, Security
- 📫 How to reach me: sinhaankitasinha31@gmail.com
- ⚡ Fun fact: The First Known Computer Programmer was a Woman
⭐️ From AnkitaSinha98
⭐️ From AnkitaSinha98
Career Analysis attests the effectiveness of career counseling. Our career analysis project can support people with career-related challenges.
Big Data is Stored and analyzed from various Social Media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc using Hadoop and Pig and all details are analyzed then result are given.This result is very useful f…
A Malware Prediction model that predicted if the PE format file is malicious or legitimate.
This project is consisting of 2 parts since the name we have given as ‘Cyber Analysis Tool’ as it’s capable of finding multiple informations regarding domain address, IP address, signature of the f…
JavaScript 2
It has two modules, namely the inventory management of the agriculture equipment and sharing of the equipment using blockchain. Small scale farmers in India do not own farm equipment such as tracto…
JavaScript 2
This is a website of a resturants and as per the request from the customer a seat is booked. They see the reviews, rates and see vaious details .