Comprehensive social platform based on Express.js and React. Supports advanced user, group, post and notification features.
- Sessions and authentication: JWT and cookie-parser support.
- Database: MongoDB with Mongoose.
- REST API: Over 27 routes with POST, GET, DELETE methods and more.
- Security: Middleware to prevent unauthorised access.
- Passwords: Stored in encrypted form for greater security.
- Routing and navigation: Dynamic redirection and access protection.
- React-Query: Efficient application state management and data caching.
- User interface: Convenient user experience, responsiveness and loading system.
To start using the project, follow these steps:
- Install backend dependencies.
npm and
- Install frontend dependencies.
cd frontend npm i
- build the whole project
npm run build
- Starting the backend.
npm run dev
- Starting the frontend.
cd frontend
npm run dev
🧑💻 User Profile:.
- Display profile picture, background, bio, links and other information.
- Editing user data, including changing profile pictures.
- Information on number of posts, subscriptions and likes.
📝 ** Posts:**.
- Creation: Posts can contain text, images or both.
- Interactions: Ability to like, comment and share.
- Management: Deletion of posts by authors.
🏘️ Groups (Communities):.
- Overview: View available groups and their administrators.
- Creation: Ability to create and manage your own group.
- Administrators: Add and delete group administrators.
🔔 Notifications:.
- Types of notifications:
- Likes of posts.
- New subscribers.
- Shares of posts.
- New posts by a user.
- Markings: Notifications as ‘unread’ or ‘read’.
Node.js framework for fast and flexible web application development. Used in the project for routing, middleware and building a RESTful API. -
Routing was implemented using the built-in Express.js router. With middleware it is possible to effectively manage routes and secure endpoints from unauthorised access. -
Used to handle cookies to store user session data. -
JWT Tokens (JSON Web Tokens).
Used for secure user authentication. Tokens are stored in cookies and allow the session to remain active for a specified period of time. -
Used to encrypt user passwords before storing them in the database. Provides an additional layer of security by implementing password hashing functionality.
Framework for building a user interface. Applied in the project with the Vite tool, enabling faster and more efficient project management. -
TanStack React Query.
Used to manage data coming from the API. With React Query, data is cached and refreshed in real-time, improving application performance and user experience. -
Tailwind CSS.
Utility-first CSS framework used for frontend application styling. Allows you to quickly create responsive and modern user interfaces with ready-made classes.
The project uses a RESTful API architecture with the following assumptions:
- Each endpoint is well documented and has a clearly defined function.
- Supported methods:
- GET: Retrieving data from the database.
- POST: Creating new resources (e.g. users, posts).
- DELETE: Deleting resources (e.g. posts, groups).
- PATCH/PUT: Update existing data.
- Middleware ensures that only logged-in users can use endpoints requiring authorisation.
- JWT and cookie-parser are used in combination to ensure secure session management.
- Passwords are encrypted using bcrypt, preventing them from being read in the event of a data leak.
- Middleware protects sensitive data by restricting access to users with appropriate permissions.
- Users
- _id (primary key)
- username
- fullname
- password
- followers (foreign key)
- following (foreign key)
- profileImg
- coverImg
- bio
- link
- likedPosts(foreign key)
- Posts
- _id (primary key)
- likes (foreign key)
- comments (foreign ket)
- text
- user (foreign key)
- img
- Notifications.
- _id (primary key)
- read
- from (foreign key)
- to (foreign key)
- type
- target (foreign key)
- Communities
- _id (primary key)
- location
- headqurters
- companySize
- type
- industry
- followers (foreign key)
- admins (foreign key)
- coverImg
- profileImg