This is a fullstack application in which the user can play a quiz game.
This app includes a Node.js/Express REST API that uses MongoDB for a database. The questions are fetched from the trivia api The client-side is built with Webpack.
Install dependencies on the front-end and back-end
npm install
cd client
npm install
npm start
npm run dev (Nodemon)
Visit http://localhost:8000
cd client
npm run dev
Visit http://localhost:3000
To build front-end production files
cd client
npm run build
The production build will be put into the public
folder, which is the Express static folder.
Rename .env-example
to .env
and add your MongoDB URI to the .env
A request is made to the QuestionsApi class to either get all questions or fetch questions by category / difficulty.
The QuestionsApi class makes an HTTP request to the /api/questions endpoint of the Node.js server using the axios library.
The Node.js server receives the request and routes it to the appropriate endpoint, which is defined in the questionsRouter module.
The questionsRouter module handles the request by calling the appropriate function, (only get for now) depending on the request.
The function in the questionsRouter module uses the Question model to interact with the database and either retrieves all questions or retrieves question by category and / or difficulty.
The result of the database interaction is returned as a response to the original HTTP request.