- Take / keep a snapshot every 30 min for the latest 3 hours;
- Keep a snapshot every 6 hours for the last day, delete other snapshots;
- Keep a snapshot every day for the last month, delete other snapshots;
For information on how to use Cassandra Medusa, see the official documentation.
For further information on how to setup AWS S3 backups with Cassandra Medusa, checkout the official documentation here. See also the related blog post: https://thelastpickle.com/blog/2018/04/03/cassandra-backup-and-restore-aws-ebs.html
For information on how to use Tablesnap, see the official documentation.
For more resources on backing up Cassandra in general:
- https://devops.com/things-know-planning-cassandra-backup
- http://techblog.constantcontact.com/devops/cassandra-and-backups/
- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/snap-cassandra-s3-tablesnap-vijaya-kumar-hosamani/
- TODO add more instructions for running backups with Medusa
- TODO add more instructions for running backups with Tablesnap