Releases: Analogy-LogViewer/Analogy.LogViewer
V4.2.11 - Auto Update feature (pre-release)
Feature - Auto Update:
This version adds experimental Auto update feature for Analogy Log Viewer and its Data Providers.
The feature is not yet fully implemented but should works if/Running as admin.
Bug fixes:
- 4.2.10 UnauthorizedAccessException when closing the app #568
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
3 versions exists:
- .net core 3.1
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
This release contains:
- new input method (Open folder dialog to select folder with logs)
- Some UI fixes
- Debuging flags.
New Data Provider/s:
Bug fixes:
- [UI] The OK button on the 'Data Source Information' dialog doesn't seem to do anything. #546
- [UI] Columns header context menu is hidden being the standard menu #545
- [Debugging] Add toggle for FirstChanceException #567
- Remove focus on mouse over for filtering text boxes #566
- [UI] Add Open folder dialog button #527
- Enable Nullable annotations #559
- [Extendability] Allows shuffling of provider between factories #534
- [UI] add setting to toggle compact ribbon view #520
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
3 versions exists:
- .net core 3.1
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.2.9 - New Data Providers and Json tool
This release contains:
- New Data providers
- New Json Tool
- V2 of Serilog (refactor of V1) with auto detection of file formats and more formats.
New Data Providers:
- RabbitMq Parser. Thanks @danw25
- Affirmations Data provider.. Because why not :)
Bug fixes:
- [UI] Analogy Save message still says XML format while it has been deprecated and replaced by Json #514
- [feature] Add View as json tree on right click on log message #504
- [Usability] Add global font size settings for high resolution monitors #501
- [Analogy Log Server]: Add ability to get old messages (before client connected). This is configurable in the appsettings_LogServer.json. later a Log Configurator UI will be created.
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 version to read messages)
To install the windows service use the following command:
sc create Analogy.LogServer binpath=full path to Analogy.LogServer.exe file
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
3 versions exists:
- .net core 3.1
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
Bug fixes:
- [Filtering] Message layout does not affect view and keeps resetting #417
- [Context menu] limit number of characters showed in the messages context menu #505
- Replace Event log level with Information #477
- Switch to json log format for bookmarks and internal log #476
- Add Show what is new at start of application #420
- [Debugging] handle Could not load file or assembly 'xxxx.resources.dll' #418
- Add option to select multi log levels (checkboxes instead of radio buttons) #415
- Add Icon/Image to Actions Commands #366
- Add Global tool interface - UI part #279
Analogy Log Server
To install the windows service use the following ommand:
sc create Analogy.LogServer binpath=full path to Analogy.LogServer.exe file
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
3 versions exists:
- .net core 3.1
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
New Data Providers:
- gRPC Real time data Provider - #319
- Json parser Data Provider - #299
- XML parser Data Provider - #300
Bug fixes:
- [UI] some UI Elements does not fit to screen in different themes #277
- [Filtering] append logic is incorrect. #330
- [Real time logs] Focus is stolen on every refresh #357
- Remember show message details settings. #322
- Make IAnalogyRealTimeDataProvider Async. #329
- [Real time logs] add keyboard shortcut to toggle pause/Resume refresh of logs #355
- [UI] Add simple/Advance mode #360
- Change default setting to save Excluded filtering #361
- Create tutorial for first time run #358
Analogy Log Server
To install the windows service use the following ommand:
sc create Analogy.LogServer binpath=full path to Analogy.LogServer.exe file
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
3 versions exists:
- .net core 3.1
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
Bug fixes:
- [UI] some UI Elements does not fit to screen in different themes #277
- [UI] Log grid context menu does not respect theme colors #280
- Remember last position and state does not retains settings under some condition #283
- [net471] appconfig is missing support for 4.7.1. #290
- Searching based on a selected value in a custom column #271
- [UI] Enable/Disable theme colors for log grids #282
- Remove shareable button if no shareable components exists. #284
- Remove dependency on LiorBanai.NotificationWindow assembly. #289
- [Bookmarks] Add button to save non persist bookmarks. #291
- Add + and - shortcuts to open message text details. #293
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
3 versions exists:
- .net core 3.1
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
Bug fixes:
-Exclude source/module/text does not clear the hints text. #259
- Allows loading data providers' dependencies from different locations. #184
- Add option to select on which columns the search will be performed. #205
- Add Support for reading compressed Zip files. #218
- Show open folder regardless of provider supplied folder. #229
- Add search filters hints / indicators. #232
- Remove XML format for analogy. #230
- Support gz archive files. #231
- Add .net framework 4.7.1 compilation target #236
- Add Go To / Jump To timestamp option. #266
- Add Go To / Jump to message. #267
- Add Search panel. #269
- Set CTRL+F to open search panel automatically #270
- [Performance] Reduce the usage of ReaderWriterLockSlim #272
- [UI] Add color Palette to user settings and revamp the UI #273
- [Core 3.1] First time run: Fix default user settings for LastUpdate #276
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
3 versions exists:
- .net core 3.1
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
Bug fixes:
- System.ArgumentException when using the 'messages grouping' tab with a log file that contains custom columns. #225
- Add providers icon to the ribbon page. #219
- Add ability to add notes to log messages. #217
- Shows AnalogyLogMessage's AdditionalInformation Properties in Detailed Window. #215
- Main log viewer window always starts up full screen?. #213
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
2 versions exists: .net core 3.1 and .net framework 4.7.2.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
Bug fixes:
- [Windows Events log Parser] Unable to load system log files (*.evtx). #197
- Ribbon Icons are not correct for real time data sources. #199
- Enable version check on startup. #200
- Add option to select rows and perform operation on the selection (save to file, open in new window, etc). #201
- Add multi select of rows. #204
- Add dynamic columns at run time based on AdditionalInformation Property of AnalogyLogMessage. #206
- Cleanup Filtering UI Elements. #212
This release contains only common log parsers:
- Serilog parser (V1.1.10)
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers:
2 versions exists: .net core 3.1 and .net framework 4.7.2.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
Add recently used folders and Machine name column
Bug fixes:
- NullReferenceException when using the data visualizer on a Serilog/Clef log file. #189
- Duplicate files are listed in the UI. #192
This release contains only common log parsers (Serilog parser [V1.1.10] and regular expression parser). For additional parsers check out the overview repository with many more parsers:
2 versions exists: .net core 3.1 and .net framework 4.7.2.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.