Releases: Analogy-LogViewer/Analogy.LogViewer
V4.10.0 - Add NET7 target framework
Bug fixes:
- [Real Time providers] closing the application does not call StopReceiving unless the tab is closed manually #1537
- Add NET7 Target Framework #1551
- [Improvements] lazy init providers #1538
- Reduce number of builds due to low usage. #1495
- reverse connect/disconnect icons #1552
Analogy Log Server (Needs NET6/NET7 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
New Data Providers
- Words Search Data Provider: Enables to search in txt files for words.
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
- Words Search
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
4 versions exists:
- NET7 (new version)
- NET6
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
Due to low usage or End Of Life Support, the following target frameworks were removed:
- .net Core 3.1
- .NET5.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.9.1 Words Search Data Provider
Bug fixes:
- N/A
- [Nugets] Bump Markdig from 0.30.3 to 0.30.4 #1479
- [Data provider] Add Words Search data provider #1478
- [File Processor] Enable Recursive Zip Processing #1442 (thanks @pybride)
- Add download Statistics per Release #1417
- [User Settings] Add fonts selection #1118
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
New Data Providers
- Words Search Data Provider: Enables to search in txt files for words.
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
- Words Search
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net Core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
.net Core 3.1 may be remove in next version (due to low usage and end of Life)
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.9.0 Json Inline improvements and SQL raw filtering
Bug fixes:
- N/A
- [DevExpress] Upgrade to V21.2.9 #1382
- [SQL filter] Allow export/copy the final query of the filters #1396
- [Advanced Mode] Seperate settings and UI #1397
- [Advance Mode] show one time popup about feature in advanced mode #1398
- [Json Viewer] Show inner json as separate nodes #1409
- Add support for specifying a custom SQL filter #1388
- [UI] Add 'go to' message to specific time #903
- [json Viewer] allow setting which column is used to the inline json viewer #1410
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net Core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
Bug fixes:
- N/A
- [DevExpress] Update version to V21.2.8 #1322
- Disable PowerToys data provider default on #1378
- Redesign the first time window #1379
- Warn users that net3.1 end of support will reached on December 8, 2022 #1348
- Warn users that net5 end of support has reached #1347
- [Version history] Fetch History From Github #1311
- Add download statistics #1323
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net Core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.8.6 - Common Control DLL and plotting fixes
Bug fixes:
- [BUG] pre defined popup menu is opened at incorrect position. #1308
- [Common Controls] Create Stand Alone Plotting Control #1274
- [Common Controls] switch to use the common control DLL for plotting #1310
- [Common Controls] switch to use the common control DLL for plotting #1310
- [Common Controls] Add Example project #1275
- [Plotting] Add toggle point marker #1267
- [Plotting] Add show/hide legend and series #1266
- [UI] Improve pre-defined queries tooltip #1307
- [User Settings] Enable autocomplete of last 20 searches by defaults. #1306
- [DevExpress] Update version to V21.2.7 #1259
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net Core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.8.5 - Update version to V21.2.7
Bug fixes:
- None
- Update DevExpress version to V21.2.6 #1259
- Bump Markdig from 0.28.1 to 0.30.2 #1262
- [UI] Add counter callback for messages read (User Settings) #1219
- Add counter callback for messages read #1218
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net Core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.8.4 - Update DevExpress version to V21.2.6
Bug fixes:
- None
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net Core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.8.3 - Inline Json Viewer in the message log grid
Bug fixes:
- None
- Inline Json Viewer in the message log grid #1208
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net Core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.8.2 - Upgrade DevExpress Version to 21.2.5
Bug fixes:
- None
- [DevExpress] Update version to V21.2.5 #1201
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net Core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.
V4.8.1 - Small fixes and UI cleanup
Bug fixes:
- [.NET 3.1/5/6] missing DevExpress Assembly #1180
- NullReferenceException when opening List of Providers #1183
- [UI] move tools to last place/collapsed in order to simplify UI #1181
- [UI] Move Data Visualizer to the more button #118
- [DevExpress] Update DevExpress version to 21.2.4 Post NET6 Release #1152
Analogy Log Server (Needs .Net Core 3.1 or NET5/NET6 version to read messages)
Go to Real Time Log Server release page. Latest releases
This release contains the following common log parsers:
- gRPC Data Provider and Log Server/Client
- Serilog parser
- Regular expression parser
- Window Event log parser
- NLog Parser
- Log4Net Parser
- IIS logs Parser
- Plain Text Parser
- Json parser Data Provider
- XML parser Data Provider
- Analogy Examples: Example for real time Data provider
- Github data provider
- Local Git Repository reader
- PowerToys Parser
For additional parsers check the overview repository with many more parsers.
6 versions exists:
- NET6
- NET5
- .net core 3.1
- .net framework 4.8.
- .net framework 4.7.2.
- .net framework 4.7.1.
- Windows 10 blocks Zip files by default. Make sure to unblock them before unzipping. How to unblocked.