A weather app that pulls from the OpenWeatherMap API to allow users to search for and view the weather in cities worldwide. Built with nodejs and Express.
Let's talk about the application; Our weather app will show the weather information that it will get from the API like this, an Icon that shows the weather status, the temperature value (18°C) in Celsius unit, the weather description (clear sky/ICON), and then the user's city and country (London, GB).
The API provider is http://www.OpenWeatherMap.org
Click On the Aboutme Button To know more About Me
Additional description about the project and its features.
- OpenWeatherMap API
- Follow the live demo link and enjoy the site.
- To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps. Clone the repository unto your local machine cd to the folder.
- A modern browser, up to date. 💪
- There is no automated tests for this project.
- Add extra functionality and Forcast.
- Email: sharmaamul64@gmail.com
- Twitter: @Twitter
- Linkdin: @Linkdin
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