GOB Airflow orchestrates GOB data pipelines.
A running GOB infrastructure is required to run this component.
Minimal infrastructure requirements:
- airflow database (see airflow_database docker container).
- [RabbitMQ](http://localhost:15672/#) is up and running so Airflow can send and recieve messages to and from GOB services.
- docker-compose >= 1.17
- docker ce >= 18.03
docker-compose build
This will:
- Install Airflow and other requirements in docker.
- Define Airflow home folder.
- Copy airflow.cfg to Airflow home folder.
- Copy all defined DAGs to Airflow dags folder.
- Copy all plugins to Airflow plugins folder.
- Define entry point so we can start Airflow.
docker-compose up
This will:
- Initialize/upgrade Airflow database (if required).
- Start Airflow webserver.
- Start Airflow scheduler.
Go to Airflow Admin GUI with your browser.
In Airflow Admin GUI you can start with the following:
1. left upper corner: Set DAG: import_dag to On
2. Go to [Enable Import DAG](http://localhost:8088/admin/airflow/graph?dag_id=import_dag) and enable this DAG.
3. Start DAG by clicking Trigger DAG
4. ?? [Trigger Import DAG](http://localhost:8088/admin/airflow/trigger?dag_id=import_dag&origin=%2Fadmin%2Fairflow%2Ftree%3Fdag_id%3Dimport_dag).