Android client for e-learning platform
- Code:
git clone
- Issue tracker:
Copyright (C) 2010, Juan Miguel Boyero Corral
SWADroid client is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as GPLv3 license.
SWADroid uses Android DataFrameWork library developed by Javier Pérez Pacheco and licensed under LGPLv3.
SWADroid uses ksoap2-android library developed by Manfred Moser and licensed under MIT.
SWADroid uses ZXing library developed by Sean Owen and licensed under Apache License 2.0.
SWADroid uses Universal Image Loader library developed by Sergey Tarasevich and licensed under Apache License 2.0.
SWADroid uses MathJax library developed by The MathJax Team and licensed under Apache License 2.0.
- Antonio Cañas Vargas
- Helena Rodríguez Gijón
- Antonio Aguilera Malagón
- José Antonio Guerrero Avilés
- Alejandro Alcalde
SWADroid is an open source project. I encourage contributions.
The Github team has also been kind enough to write up some great documentation on working with pull requests. Contributions should be performed on topic branches in your personal forks - just issue your pull requests from there.