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296 lines (170 loc) · 5.74 KB


Minimalistic event/promified driven web worker abstraction.

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npm install event-worker --save



Basic example

In your main thread (main.js):

const EventWorker = require('event-worker')

const worker = new EventWorker('path/to/my/worker.js')

async function test(){
  const user = await worker.emit('getUserById', { id: '30242' })

    id: '30242',
    name: 'neil',
    lastname: 'tyson degrasse'

And then in your web worker (worker.js) you can listen for that event and respond back with the requested data:

const EventWorker = require('event-worker')

const worker = new EventWorker()

worker.on('getUserById', async ({payload}) => {

  let user = await getUser(

  return user // Respond back to the main thread with the data requested.


async function getUser(id){

  let user = await fetchUserFromLocalDatabase(id)

  if(user) return user

  user = await fetchUserFromServer(id)


  return user

Workload splitting

If you want to keep your main thread running smoothly dividing the work load of expensive computational task between multiple web workers becomes easier.

From main thread (main.js):

const EventWorker = require('event-worker')

const workerPath = 'path/to/my/worker.js'

const workerPool = [
  new EventWorker(workerPath),
  new EventWorker(workerPath),
  new EventWorker(workerPath)

const sum = (a, b) => a + b

const multiplyBy2InOtherThread = (worker, index) => worker.emit('multiply_by_2', index)

(async ()=>
  (await Promise.all(
  )).reduce(sum, 0)
)() // 6

From worker (worker.js):


const worker = new EventWorker()

worker.on('multiply_by_2', ({payload}) => payload * 2 )

Bidirectional communication

You can listen for events triggered by your workers.

From main thread (main.js):


worker.on('interestingData', ({payload})=>{


  return 'Good job worker!'



From worker (worker.js):

const res = await worker.emit('interestingData', 'interestingString')

res // => 'Good job worker!!'

Inlining code

Instead of having a separate file for your worker, you can wrap your code inside a function and pass it as an argument to the constructor of EventWorker. This is a good option when prototyping.

From main (main.js):

const worker = new EventWorker(async (mainThread) => {

  let res = await mainThread.emit('sayingHiFromWorker', 'Hi main thread!')

  console.log(res) // Hello worker!


worker.on('sayingHiFromWorker', ({payload}) => {

  console.log(payload) // Hi main thread!

  return "Hello worker!"



When you inline functions it is easy to get confused by the execution context. If you try to access a variable that is outside the scope of the inline function it will fail.

const favoriteAnimal = 'chiguire'

const worker = new EventWorker(async (mainThread) => {
  // This will get executed in a worker.
  mainThread.on('onGetAnimals', ()=>{

    console.log(favoriteAnimal) // fails. favoriteAnimal variable is not in the same execution context.



Error Handling

Error handling works the same as you would expect from a promise executed in the same thread:

From main thread (main.js):

const EventWorker = require('event-worker')

const worker = new EventWorker('path/to/my/worker.js')

  .catch((reason) => {
    console.log(`Rejected because: "${reason}" `)

From worker (worker.js):


const worker = new EventWorker()

//throwing errors
worker.on('rejectThisCall', () => {
  throw new Error()

// throwing async errors
worker.on('rejectThisCallAsync', async ()=> {
  throw new Error()

Instead of embedding event-worker into your worker file with a module bundler, you can use the built in function importScripts:


const worker = new EventWorker()

// ...

EventWorker reference is injected into the global scope once it's loaded.


new EventWorker(source) EventWorker

Creates a new instance

  • source string | function | undefined

    • If a string is passed: It will assume it is the worker source file path.

    • If a function is passed it will get converted into a string an then transformed into a worker.

    • If nothing (undefined) is passed it will assume that the environment is the worker.

emit(eventName, data) Promise

Emits a event.

  • eventName String

  • data Any

on(eventName, callback) EventWorker

Registers for an event.

  • eventName

  • callback function(object) => Promise<any>

    Gets executed when eventName is emited.

    • object
      • object.payload any

        Data sent from the event emitter to the listener.

terminate() void

Immediately terminates the Worker. This does not offer the worker an opportunity to finish its operations; it is simply stopped at once.



  • Removed "resolve" and "reject" function properties in the "on" callback.


All contributions are welcome.


MIT © Alvaro Bernal