Lectures notes of the Master degree course in Physics of Data "Life Data Epidemiology" taken by professors Chiara Poletto and Sandro Meloni at the University of Padova (a.y. 2020/2021).
Authors: Alice Pagano and Andrea Nicolai
“All models are wrong, but some of them are useful.”
- Basics Definitions and Compartmental Models
- Network Science - Basics
- Epidemic Spreading on Networks
- Epidemic Spreading on Networks: Advanced Models
- Spreading in social systems
- Introduction to metapopulation models
- Temporal Networks
- Model fitting
- Outbreak Analysis
The code of the notes is organized in multiple directories as:
bibliography: in this directory I stored the .Tex subfile for the bibliography.
frontespizio: .Tex subfile for the cover of the notes.
lessons: each lesson is organized in subfile.
macro: contains .Tex files for packages, settings and new commands.
main: .Tex file for the full document.