Main features:
The game no longer depends on EDOPro files;
More than 50 packs added. Including almost all OCG/TCG releases;
New rarity supported: Secret Rare;
Added Content screen, where the player can visualize the cards in the pack;
Added Filter screen where the player can filter the packs by Tag, Release Date, and Name;
Added Pull screen, where the player can see the cards being pulled;
Added full screen support (press F).
Development support:
Added 'Secret Rare' and '%SE' entries to support the new rarity;
Added a 'pendulum cover' entry to properly crop the pendulum card art;
Added an 'art x' entry to set the x position of the cropped art;
Support when the cover card is Secret or Super Rare;
Added a 'main card' entry to support when the cover card is not in the pack (Dark Paladin).
Major fixes:
No more common duplicates;
Double-clicking on a pulled card no longer opens a new pack (added button at bottom right).
Features removed:
Sounds are disabled in this version;
Rarity masks aren't available in this version.
You can’t perform that action at this time.