A simple habit tracker that allows you to track your habits and analyze them to see how well you're doing.
-Why is the Habit Tracker beneficial?
-What can the Habit Tracker do?
-How to use the Habit Tracker:
-How to use Test Data and Pytest
The Habit Tracker is a beneficial lifestyle application, because it can help to implement positive lifestyle changes that are important to the user.
Psychologically, the user is motivated to continue their habits, so they don't BREAK their longest streak.
The Habit Tracker can log habits:
- Create a habit
- Delete a habit
- Complete a check-off event for a habit
- View a list of all habits
- View a list of daily habits
- View a list of weekly habits
- Reset a habit by deleting all previous check-off events and select a new start date
The Habit Tracker can analyze habits:
- Calculate Current Streak per habit
- Calculate Longest Streak per habit
- Total check-off events per habit in a selected month
- Calculate the habit with the longest streak of all habits in the specified frequency (daily or weekly)
- Python 3.10 +
Once Python is installed, you will also need to install the following packages using the commandline.
- Questionary
pip install questionary
- Pytest
pip install pytest
Open the terminal of your preferred IDE (Integrated Development Environment) or command line. (For reference I used Pycharm)
Navigate to the directory where the Habit Tracker is located.
Decide whether you would like to use the test data or not. (If you would like to use the test data please proceed to How to use Test Data and Pytest section.) Or proceed to the next step.
Set database to "main.db" by following the steps below:
- Open the habit.py file and change the database to "main.db" by changing the code in line 10 to the following:
- Database = "main.db"
- Open the habit.py file and change the database to "main.db" by changing the code in line 10 to the following:
Run the Habit Tracker by typing the following command in the terminal:
python main.py
- Use the Habit Tracker by selecting which option you would like to use from the main menu.
Note: You can select an option using the arrow keys on your keyboard and pressing enter to select the option you want to use.
- Follow the prompts to complete the action you have selected.
-Main Menu:
- Create Habit
- Check Off Habit
Note: For habit consistency the check-off event is only available for the current date. This does not allow the user to go back in time and complete a check-off event for a previous date. (This is only allowed with the test data.)
- Show List of Habits
- Analyze Habit
Longest Streak of All Habits:
Check-off Events for a Specific Month:
Enter a value from 1-12 that corresponds to the month you would like to analyze.
Note: This function allows the user to see the total number of check-off events for each individual habit being tracked for a specific month. (If the habit was not tracked at the time, the total will be 0 for that habit.)
The habits are in ascending order, so the user can see which habit they struggled with the most for any given month.
Current Streak for a Habit:
Longest streak for a Habit:
- Delete Habit
Select the habit you would like to delete from the list:
The habit will then be deleted from the CLI and the database.
- Reset Habit
Resetting the habit allows the user to delete all previous check-off events and select a new start date for the habit. This is useful if the user has not been using the Habit Tracker for an extended period of time, but they are still working on improving that habit.
They may want to reset all the data to get a more accurate representation of their progress.
There are 3 options for resetting the habit:
Note: The user is notified of the current start date for reference to inform their decision of how to modify their start date.
- Exit
The exit function in the Main Menu allows the user to close the Habit Tracker.
Otherwise, the option to Exit throughout the Habit Tracker in all other menus will return the user to the main menu.
- Open the terminal of your preferred IDE (Integrated Development Environment) or command line.
- Navigate to the directory where the Habit Tracker is located.
- Make sure the habit.py file has the database set to--> Database = "test.db"
- Run pytest by typing the following command in the terminal:
The conftest.py includes all test fixtures including:
-5 predefined habits (3 daily and 2 weekly)
-4 weeks of check-off events for all 5 habits
After running pytest, the test.db file will be created with the test data. The last two functions in test_habit.py are currently being skipped, so that the user is able to interact with the data from the test.db file while running the main.py file.
Run the Habit Tracker by typing the following command in the terminal:
python main.py
- If you would like to run pytest again, I would recommend manually deleting the test.db file after you have used the test data in the main.py file.
To delete the test.db file manually, type the following command in the terminal:
del .\test.db
- Then comment out the two fixture notes @pytest.mark.skip in the test_habit.py file. This permits the last two methods to run and deletes all data in the test.db file.