Exposing IMDb Non-Commercial Datasets
This project is my first step into the world of Spring. The intention of the project for the user to input the title of a film and get the associated director(s) and/or writer(s).
Rather than load different datasets into different repositories and query with a join, this project parses fields from the 'title.basics.tsv.gz' AND 'title.crew.tsv.gz' into a map of 'GetCrewForMovieTitle' Query Objects and saves it to 'IMDBMovieAndCrewRepository', an approach based on this discussion.
To run the project through Idea: Execute Maven Goal -> mvn spring-boot:run
- title.basics.tsv.gz
- title.crew.tsv.gz from the link in the title of this README
Replace the filepaths in 'RestServiceApplication' - line 36 with your local paths to the datasets.
- Apache Commons
- Spring Boot JPA
- Spring Boot Starter Web
- Spring Boot DevTools
- Spring Boot ThymeLeaf
- H2 Database
- OpenCSV
- Jackson Dataformat CSV