This is the repository of the project for the 2022-2023 Software Performance And Scalability course
In order for this project to work, you need to install the following dependencies
Commands are defined in the Taskfile.yml
file. Here you can find a brief explanation of the main commands:
Download and process the imdb data through containerized process. The processed files are available for database migrations and query extraction
Run three service containers:
Available on http://localhost:5433
A postgres database. You can connect to it using
with authenticator role and sps as passwordpsql -h localhost -p 5433 -d imdb -U authenticator
One (or more) replica(s) are reachable through the dispatcher at http://localhost:3000
A postgREST API connected to the db service container. Queries get forwared to this container with different policies by means of the dispatcher.
Available on http://localhost:3000
A NGINX dispatcher image connected to one (or more) replica(s) of the backend service container. You can send queries via browser or curl.
Available on http://localhost:3001
A swagger editor which explain the backend service endpoints through OpenAPI standard
Perform a closed loop test with tsung. This command can be configured using the variables declared inside the taskfile
Build the query set necessary for closed loop testing. 10_000 random ids are chosen accordingly to their rating probability
How are postgREST queries structured?
The official documentation is available at the postgREST website
Some real-world queries you can issue are:
# Select all fields of the row whose attribute tconst is tt9898930
curl -X "GET" http://localhost:3000/title_basics?tconst=eq.tt9898930
# Delete the row whose attribute tconst is tt9898930
curl -X "DELETE" http://localhost:3000/title_basics?tconst=eq.tt9898930
To test the perfomance of the system, two flavours of the same query can be issued:
# PERFORMANT query whose attribute tconst is tt9898930
curl -X "GET" http://localhost:3000/title_details?tconst=eq.tt9898930
# SLOW query whose attribute tconstvar is tt9898930
curl -X "GET" http://localhost:3000/rpc/get_title_details?tconstvar=tt9898930