Animation system written in C with CSFML
The animation system is only Animation.c and Animation.h
Create a new animation with :
Animation* AnimationCreate(sfVector2u _frameSize, unsigned char _framesNb)
Set a sprite sheet for the animation :
void AnimationSetSpriteSheet(Animation* _anim, const char* _filename, const char* _structure, sfVector2u* _animationOffset, sfVector2u* _blockLength);
Play with the animation with those functions :
void AnimationPlay(Animation* _anim, unsigned char _state);
void AnimationPause(Animation* _anim);
void AnimationRewind(Animation* _anim);
void AnimationStop(Animation* _anim);
This animation system support 5 differents sates :
Default (Default state)
Looped (Set animation in loop)
Reversed (Reverse the animation order)
FlipX (Apply a horizontal flip)
FlipY (Apply a vertical flip)
Animation has the same function as standard sfSprite but the name format is different. The function are "Animation" followed by the PascalCase name of the function:
example : type AnimationThisIsAFunction(type _arg,...)
See an example of an animation and interaction with the animation in Game.c
Note : All animation has there origin center in the middle and cannot be changed.
License: DBDA
This library uses and is based on SFML and CSFML.
C programming language is used.