This microservice is responsible for checking the missing transactions between Kresus and Firefly.
Send this message to Kafka :
"date": "2024-02-02T16:15:47.832687",
"transaction_sha256": "87b39170689fcaab7296382e1deb57d333ddab8c95ddad2822c402212ba38756",
"transaction": {
"transaction_id": null,
"amount": 600.0,
"type": "transfer",
"bill_id": null,
"bill_name": null,
"book_date": null,
"budget_id": null,
"budget_name": null,
"bunq_payment_id": null,
"category_id": null,
"category_name": null,
"currency_code": null,
"currency_decimal_places": null,
"currency_id": null,
"currency_name": null,
"currency_symbol": null,
"date": "2024-02-01",
"description": "Transfer from Cr\u00e9dit Agricole Courant to Boursorama Courant",
"destination_iban": null,
"destination_id": null,
"destination_name": "Boursorama Courant",
"destination_type": null,
"due_date": null,
"external_id": null,
"external_url": null,
"foreign_amount": null,
"foreign_currency_code": null,
"foreign_currency_decimal_places": null,
"foreign_currency_id": null,
"foreign_currency_symbol": null,
"has_attachments": null,
"import_hash_v2": null,
"interest_date": null,
"internal_reference": null,
"invoice_date": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"notes": null,
"order": null,
"original_source": null,
"payment_date": null,
"process_date": null,
"reconciled": null,
"recurrence_count": null,
"recurrence_id": null,
"recurrence_total": null,
"sepa_batch_id": null,
"sepa_cc": null,
"sepa_ci": null,
"sepa_country": null,
"sepa_ct_id": null,
"sepa_ct_op": null,
"sepa_db": null,
"sepa_ep": null,
"source_iban": null,
"source_id": null,
"source_name": "Cr\u00e9dit Agricole Courant",
"source_type": null,
"tags": null,
"transaction_journal_id": null,
"transaction_type": "transfer",
"user": null,
"zoom_level": null
transaction_sha256 is use to avoid duplicate message consumption in Kafka.