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OBS / File transfer automation in bash, python, debian live CD for Lightboard teaching solution

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OBS Recording and INSA POD Upload Automation


This script is designed to automate the process of recording video using OBS Studio, uploading the recorded video to POD INSA, and notifying a Discord channel with the uploaded video link. It provides a convenient way to manage recording sessions and streamline the workflow for content creators. We've created a troobleshooting file that covers some of the most common cases of failure.


  • OBS Recording: Utilizes the OBS WebSocket plugin to control recording start and stop functions programmatically (You can find OBS configuration in obs/ or further explanation, please refer to the OBS section).
  • INSA POD Upload: Uploads the recorded video to POD INSA via sftp.
  • Discord Notification: Notifies a Discord channel with the URL of the uploaded video.
  • Keyboard Control: Allows starting and stopping recording using keyboard shortcuts.
  • GUI Status Window: Displays the current status of the recording process.
  • Live ISO Support: Can be integrated into a live ISO environment for easy deployment. (see Build ISO section)


Before running the script, ensure you have the following:

  • OBS Studio: Installed on your system and configured with the OBS WebSocket plugin.
  • INSA POD Credentials: Obtain ssh private and public key from INSA POD give by DSI. Save the id_rsa.dat and at the root of the git clone.
  • Discord Bot Token: Create a Discord bot and obtain its token for sending notifications. Specify the token in the environment variables.
  • Python Dependencies: Install required Python packages using sudo pip install -r requirements.txt --break-system-packages.

Environment Variables

The script utilizes environment variables for configuration. Ensure the following variables are set:

  • OBS_HOST: Hostname or IP address of the machine running OBS Studio.
  • OBS_PORT: Port number used by the OBS WebSocket plugin.
  • OBS_VIDEO_PATH: Path to the directory where recorded videos are saved.
  • FTP_SERVER_PATH: SFTP server address.
  • FTP_SERVER_USER: SFTP server username
  • FTP_SERVER_PASS_PHRASE: SFTP pass phrase for ìd_rsa.dat.
  • DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL: Link of the Discord Webhook for authentication.

Exemple .env file:





  1. Set up the environment variables with appropriate values.
  2. Run the script using Python: sudo python
  3. Use keyboard shortcuts (with an US keyboard 1 or & to start recording, 2 or é to stop recording, 3 or " to take a screenshot) to control the recording process.
  4. The GUI status window will display the current status of the recording process.
  5. Once recording is stopped, the video will be uploaded to YouTube, and a notification will be sent to the specified Discord channel.


  • Ensure OBS Studio is running and configured correctly before executing the script if you are not using the custom live-cd.
  • Handle INSA POD credentials and Discord Webhook link securely to prevent unauthorized access.

Flow chart of utilisation

flowchart TB
    classDef black fill:white,color:black;
    classDef green fill:white,color:green;
    classDef red fill:white,color:red;
    classDef blue fill:white,color:blue;

    En_attente([En attente])
    En_cours((En cours))


    En_attente --> |"Appuyer sur ⏯️"| En_cours
    En_cours --> |"Appuyer sur ⏯️"| Pause
    Pause --> |"Appuyer sur ⏯️"| En_cours

    Pause --> |"Appuyer sur 🟥"| Enregistrement
    En_cours --> |"Appuyer sur 🟥"| Enregistrement

    En_attente --> |"Appuyer sur 📷"| Screenshot
    En_cours --> |"Appuyer sur 📷"| Screenshot
    Pause --> |"Appuyer sur 📷"| Screenshot
    Enregistrement --> |"Appuyer sur 📷"| Screenshot

    %% Adding note about returning to the previous state after 3 seconds
    classDef note fill:none,stroke:none;
    note[Note: Dans l'état Screenshot, on retourne toujours à l'état précédent après 3 secondes]:::note
    Screenshot -.-> note

    %% Adding transition from Enregistrement to En_attente after 3 seconds
    Enregistrement -. "Après 3 sec" .-> En_attente

User usage Sequence diagram

Sequence diagram of the user usage.

    participant Intervant & Clavier
    participant Interrupteur Mural
    participant Ordinateur
    participant Écran & Pop-up
    participant Lightboard & LED
    participant PodINSA
    participant Discord

    Note right of Intervant & Clavier: Lancement de la solution

    Intervant & Clavier ->> Interrupteur Mural: Allumer
    Interrupteur Mural ->> Ordinateur: Démarrage
    Ordinateur ->> Ordinateur: Lancement du script
    Ordinateur ->> Écran & Pop-up: Retour caméra & Pop-up
    Interrupteur Mural ->> Lightboard & LED: Démarrage
    Ordinateur ->> Écran & Pop-up: SCREENSHOT, état du tableau
    Ordinateur ->> Discord: Envoi de la capture d'écran
    Ordinateur ->> Écran & Pop-up: ATTENTE

    Note right of Intervant & Clavier: Début de l'enregistrement

    Intervant & Clavier ->> Ordinateur: Bouton vert
    Ordinateur ->> Écran & Pop-up: EN COURS : Chronomètre
    Ordinateur ->> Ordinateur: Stockage /mnt/nvme0n1

    Note right of Intervant & Clavier: Possibilité de faire des screenshot avant/pendant/après l'enregistrement

    Intervant & Clavier ->> Ordinateur: Bouton blanc
    Ordinateur ->> Écran & Pop-up: 3..2..1..SCREENSHOT
    Ordinateur ->> Discord: Envoi de la capture d'écran

    Note right of Intervant & Clavier: Pause de l'enregistrement

    Intervant & Clavier ->> Ordinateur: Bouton vert
    Ordinateur ->> Écran & Pop-up: EN COURS : Chronomètre arrêté

    Note right of Intervant & Clavier: Reprise de l'enregistrement

    Intervant & Clavier ->> Ordinateur: Bouton vert
    Ordinateur ->> Écran & Pop-up: EN COURS : reprise du Chronomètre

    Note right of Intervant & Clavier: Fin de l'enregistrement

    Intervant & Clavier ->> Ordinateur: Bouton rouge
    Ordinateur ->> Écran & Pop-up: Terminé
    Ordinateur ->> PodINSA: Publication
    Ordinateur ->> Écran & Pop-up: SCREENSHOT, état du tableau
    Ordinateur ->> Discord: Envoi de la capture d'écran

    Note right of Intervant & Clavier: Récupérer la vidéo publiée

    Intervant & Clavier ->> Discord: Accès à l'URL de PodINSA
    Ordinateur ->> Écran & Pop-up: ATTENTE

    Intervant & Clavier ->> Interrupteur Mural: Éteindre
    Intervant & Clavier ->> Lightboard & LED: Nettoyer le lightboard

Sequence diagram

Sequence diagram of the main workflow of the script.

    participant User
    participant RecordingApp
    participant Logger
    participant OBSRecorder
    participant SCPUploader
    participant DiscordNotifier
    participant Keyboard as Keyboard Listener
    participant FileSystem
    participant GUI
    participant Executor
    participant pyautogui

    Note right of User: Démarrage de l'application

    User ->> RecordingApp: run()
    RecordingApp ->> Logger: Initialiser le logger
    RecordingApp ->> OBSRecorder: Initialiser OBSRecorder
    OBSRecorder ->> obsws: Connect
    obsws -->> OBSRecorder: Connected
    RecordingApp ->> SCPUploader: Initialiser SCPUploader
    SCPUploader ->> paramiko: Connect to server
    paramiko -->> SCPUploader: Connected
    RecordingApp ->> DiscordNotifier: Initialiser DiscordNotifier
    RecordingApp ->> GUI: Créer la fenêtre de statut
    GUI ->> RecordingApp: Fenêtre créée
    RecordingApp ->> Keyboard: Enregistrer le hook clavier
    Keyboard -->> RecordingApp: Hook enregistré
    RecordingApp ->> GUI: update_label("EN ATTENTE", "black")

    Note right of User: Interaction avec l'application

    User ->> Keyboard: Appuyer sur la touche "start"
    Keyboard -->> RecordingApp: Key event
    RecordingApp ->> OBSRecorder: start_recording()
    OBSRecorder ->> obsws: StartRecord
    obsws -->> OBSRecorder: Recording started
    OBSRecorder -->> RecordingApp: Recording started
    RecordingApp ->> GUI: update_label("EN COURS", "green")

    Note right of User: Pause de l'enregistrement

    User ->> Keyboard: Appuyer sur la touche "pause"
    Keyboard -->> RecordingApp: Key event
    RecordingApp ->> OBSRecorder: pause_recording()
    OBSRecorder ->> obsws: PauseRecord
    obsws -->> OBSRecorder: Recording paused
    OBSRecorder -->> RecordingApp: Recording paused
    RecordingApp ->> GUI: update_label("⏸️ PAUSE", "red")

    Note right of User: Reprise de l'enregistrement

    User ->> Keyboard: Appuyer sur la touche "resume"
    Keyboard -->> RecordingApp: Key event
    RecordingApp ->> OBSRecorder: resume_recording()
    OBSRecorder ->> obsws: ResumeRecord
    obsws -->> OBSRecorder: Recording resumed
    OBSRecorder -->> RecordingApp: Recording resumed
    RecordingApp ->> GUI: update_label("EN COURS", "green")

    Note right of User: Capture d'écran

    User ->> Keyboard: Appuyer sur la touche "screenshot"
    Keyboard -->> RecordingApp: Key event
    RecordingApp ->> GUI: update_label("SCREENSHOT", "green")
    RecordingApp ->> pyautogui: screenshot()
    pyautogui -->> FileSystem: Save screenshot
    FileSystem -->> RecordingApp: Screenshot saved
    RecordingApp ->> OBSRecorder: find_latest_image()
    OBSRecorder ->> FileSystem: Get latest image file path
    FileSystem -->> OBSRecorder: Latest image file path
    OBSRecorder -->> RecordingApp: latest_image
    RecordingApp ->> DiscordNotifier: send_discord_image(latest_image, message)
    DiscordNotifier ->> requests: Send image
    requests -->> DiscordNotifier: Image sent
    DiscordNotifier -->> RecordingApp: Confirmation
    RecordingApp ->> GUI: Restore previous status
    GUI -->> RecordingApp: Status restored

    Note right of User: Arrêt de l'enregistrement

    User ->> Keyboard: Appuyer sur la touche "stop"
    Keyboard -->> RecordingApp: Key event
    RecordingApp ->> OBSRecorder: stop_recording()
    OBSRecorder ->> obsws: StopRecord
    obsws -->> OBSRecorder: Recording stopped
    OBSRecorder -->> RecordingApp: Recording stopped
    RecordingApp ->> GUI: update_label("TERMINÉ", "red")
    RecordingApp ->> OBSRecorder: find_latest_video()
    OBSRecorder ->> FileSystem: Get latest video file path
    FileSystem -->> OBSRecorder: Latest video file path
    OBSRecorder -->> RecordingApp: latest_video
    RecordingApp ->> SCPUploader: upload_file(latest_video, remote_path)
    SCPUploader ->> paramiko: SCP upload
    paramiko -->> SCPUploader: Upload complete
    SCPUploader -->> RecordingApp: File uploaded
    RecordingApp ->> DiscordNotifier: send_discord_message(video_url)
    DiscordNotifier ->> requests: Send message
    requests -->> DiscordNotifier: Message sent
    DiscordNotifier -->> RecordingApp: Confirmation
    RecordingApp ->> GUI: update_label("UPLOAD", "red")

    Note right of RecordingApp: Fin du processus

Build ISO

In this section, we will see how to build a custom Debian live CD that can be used to run the OBS recording script on any machine without installing any dependencies. It automatically starts the OBS and run the script that handler all the feature when the system boots up.

File needed

To build the ISO, you need to have the following files:

  • isolinux.cfg: This file is required to automatically skip the boot loader menu.
  • start.xsession : Clones this git on machine startup and automatically executes the script commands.
  • id_rsa.dat: SSH private key to connect to POD INSA SFTP server.
  • : SSH public key to connect to POD INSA SFTP server.
  • .env : Store environment variables for python code.

For the .env file, you can create it with the following content: You need to change FTP_SERVER_PATH, FTP_SERVER_USER, FTP_SERVER_PASS_PHRASE and DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL with your own values.



├── .env                # here
├── .gitignore
├── id_rsa.dat          # here
└──          # here
├── live-cd
│   ├── isolinux.cfg    # here
│   ├──
│   └── start.xsession  # and here
├── obs
│   ├── obs-global-config.ini
│   ├── obs-profile-config.ini
│   └── obs-scene-config.json
├── requirements.txt

Debian packages required

In the file we can found the configuration of our futur Debian live-cd. It's use to install the minimal Debian packages and copy the id_rsa.dat,, .env, isolinux.cfg and start.xsession files.

The minimal packages are as follows:

  • task-cinnamon-desktop : To have a desktop environnement when x11 start.
  • obs-studio : To record your video.
  • pip : To install python libraries.
  • git : To clone this git repository.
  • kbd : To use the keyboard as clip controller.
  • python3-tk : To use the tinkinter python libraries.

How to build the ISO

Then run the following commands to prepare the live directory :

cd live-cd/
sh ./

After that, you can build the ISO using the following command:

cd live/
sudo lb build

After quite some time, you will have the ISO file name live-image-amd64.hybrid.iso in the live-cd/live directory. This ISO file can now be burned to a USB stick and run on your computer. Your BIOS must be set to Legacy Boot (please refer to your mother board user manual).


Great, now you have a custom live CD that can be used to run the OBS recording script on any machine without installing any dependencies. It automatically starts the OBS and run the script that handler all the feature when the system boots up.

OBS configuration

We've specially designed 3 OBS configurations to help you get the most out of it.

Please follow these simple steps:

  • obs-global-config.ini : Rename it as global.ini and place it at /home/user/.config/obs-studio/global.ini folder.
  • obs-profile-config.ini : Rename it as basic.ini and place it at /home/user/.config/obs-studio/basic/profiles/MyProfile/basic.ini
  • obs-scene-config.json : Rename it as MyScene.json and place it at /home/user/.config/obs-studio/basic/scenes/MyScene.json


OBS / File transfer automation in bash, python, debian live CD for Lightboard teaching solution






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