title | output | ||||
Single Cell Data Set - Skene 2018 |
f <- "../../Data/KI_lvl1/celltype_data_allKImouse_wtHypo_MergedStriatal_1to1only_level1_thresh0_trim0.rda"
exp_lvl5 <- as.data.frame(celltype_data[[1]]$all_sct) %>% rownames_to_column("Gene")
Only keep genes with a unique name
exp_lvl5 <- exp_lvl5 %>%
gather(key = Lvl5,value=Expr_sum_mean,-Gene) %>%
Load gene coordinates and extend upstream and downstream coordinates by 100kb.
File downloaded from MAGMA website (https://ctg.cncr.nl/software/magma).
Filtered to remove extended MHC (chr6, 25Mb to 34Mb).
gene_coordinates <-
col_names = FALSE,col_types = 'cciicc') %>%
mutate(start=ifelse(X3-100000<0,0,X3-100000),end=X4+100000) %>%
select(X2,start,end,1) %>%
rename(chr="X2", ENTREZ="X1") %>%
File downloaded from: http://www.informatics.jax.org/homology.shtml and parsed.
m2h <- read_tsv("../../Data/m2h.txt",col_types = "iccccc") %>%
select(musName,entrez) %>%
rename(Gene=musName) %>% rename(ENTREZ=entrez)
dic_lvl5 <- select(exp_lvl5,Lvl5) %>% unique() %>% mutate(makenames=make.names(Lvl5))
Each cell type is scaled to the same total number of molecules.
exp_lvl5 <- exp_lvl5 %>% group_by(Lvl5) %>% mutate(Expr_sum_mean=Expr_sum_mean*1e6/sum(Expr_sum_mean))
The specifitiy is defined as the proportion of total expression performed by the cell type of interest (x/sum(x)).
exp_lvl5 <- exp_lvl5 %>% group_by(Gene) %>%
Only keep genes with a 1to1 orthologs
exp_lvl5 <- inner_join(exp_lvl5,m2h,by="Gene")
Only keep protein coding genes present in the MAGMA gene file.
exp_lvl5 <- inner_join(exp_lvl5,gene_coordinates)
Get number of genes that represent 10% of the dataset
n_genes <- length(unique(exp_lvl5$ENTREZ))
n_genes_to_keep <- (n_genes * 0.1) %>% round()
magma_top10 <- function(d,Cell_type){
d_spe <- d %>% group_by_(Cell_type) %>% top_n(.,n_genes_to_keep,specificity)
d_spe %>% do(write_group_magma(.,Cell_type))
write_group_magma = function(df,Cell_type) {
df <- select(df,Lvl5,ENTREZ)
df_name <- make.names(unique(df[1]))
colnames(df)[2] <- df_name
dir.create(paste0("MAGMA/"), showWarnings = FALSE)
select(df,2) %>% t() %>% as.data.frame() %>% rownames_to_column("Cat") %>%
write_group = function(df,Cell_type) {
df <- select(df,Lvl5,chr,start,end,ENTREZ)
dir.create(paste0("LDSC/Bed"), showWarnings = FALSE,recursive = TRUE)
write_tsv(df[-1],paste0("LDSC/Bed/",make.names(unique(df[1])),".bed"),col_names = F)
ldsc_bedfile <- function(d,Cell_type){
d_spe <- d %>% group_by_(Cell_type) %>% top_n(.,n_genes_to_keep,specificity)
d_spe %>% do(write_group(.,Cell_type))
Filter out genes with expression below 1 TPM.
exp_lvl5 %>% filter(Expr_sum_mean>1) %>% magma_top10("Lvl5")
exp_lvl5 %>% filter(Expr_sum_mean>1) %>% ldsc_bedfile("Lvl5")