Releases: Akylas/alpimaps
Releases · Akylas/alpimaps
Alpi Maps(android): v2.8.3 Build 265
- allow customizing valhalla offline routing service (ec24d85)
Bug fixes
- dynamic color support and color theme (with eink) (7636b9f)
- crash on opening github (c253fb4)
- eink color theme fix (531707c)
- valhalla use device language (7d628e2)
- inner style (routes, items, transit...) now have a eink version (61743f7)
- new map style parameters (2f5ae05)
- settings icon not updating correctly on dark mode change (5b40f0c)
Alpi Maps(ios): v2.0.0 Build 222
- get local time from anywhere in the world. astronomy view will show local data + current time+ more daylight related infos (3e54c5e)
- new show admin boundaries features (0eb7d5e)
- new eink theme for eink devices (1b2cbcd)
- download area is now working (in layer option menu). Added a new button to force a layer to only use cache data (34fee94)
- new map font scale option to scale all labels on map (b1ec0a6)
- new map options bottom sheet available through a long press on the ⋮ button (a9d5b92)
- new default source using vector tiles! It opens almost all Alpimaps features to everyone! If you dont get it by default on next app start you can add the source
(you can remove the openstreetmap source) (aa57bb7) - allow customizing valhalla offline routing service (ec24d85)
Bug fixes
- item info fix (bb1c3d3)
- item info fixes (b76ec23)
- disable transit lines button on error (c2b801e)
- elevation chart fixes (628a15b)
- file pickers fix (bdd80e5)
- item search fix (f2ad7b5)
- map interaction fix while following user position. (bba0570)
- style update (a331c27)
- wikipedia button almost always available (5cd819f)
- expandable directionpane (1098c9a)
- some astronomy view improvements (7221c79)
- map item info view improved with more OSM keys (17f60b1)
- untranslated strings are now using english instead of translation key (f2e475d)
- import/export settings fix (ebbcf48)
- import GPX fix (8032512)
- ensure app urls are handled when everything is ready (dddc620)
- broken hillshade shaders (7398163)
- improved eink map style (b7cdf01)
- correctly format opening hours with 24h format (ae74b7e)
- route thumbnail fix (a2c377b)
- multiple item edit fixes (fe3e273)
- multiple routes compute: add default settings route (014b4c4)
- hide wikipedia button for routes (19cf6e0)
- action menu in items list not working (1d9ef25)
- style improvements (21e7c15)
- faster item selection on map (ed52656)
- long press on directions "search" will force only compute (14093c4)
- better saving of map position upon restart (64b130f)
- allow to change contour lines opacity with a long press on the contour lines button (6368223)
- impossibility to remove openstreetmap layer (f5eb88f)
- prevent removing last layer (e445b73)
- share item fix (afa8883)
- a lot of transit fixes (843674f)
- contour style fix (2aabac9)
- style improvements for latest map data (ab0764a)
- max_hiking_difficulty to 6 for all profiles to ensure we use all available paths (d3f582a)
- added options to disable address geocoding (e132f0a)
- a lot of fixes for the items list page (9c23b6b)
- direction panel improvements (1d496a4)
- cleaner Settings page (498c5ab)
- online routing fix (f117261)
- more items list fixes (dc046f7)
- differentiate languages variants based on the locale (7c7bd6e)
- new Americana OSM vector tile data source (9d94e91)
- when selecting a park, highlight it on the map (26e3fba)
- Sadly the shared AmericanaOSM instance limit got reached very quickly. I cant share mine anymore. Instead i explain in the readme and in the app how to create your own instance and use it. (e4f8cb1)
- dynamic color support and color theme (with eink) (7636b9f)
v2.8.2 Build 264
Bug fixes
- Sadly the shared AmericanaOSM instance limit got reached very quickly. I cant share mine anymore. Instead i explain in the readme and in the app how to create your own instance and use it. (e4f8cb1a)
v2.8.1 Build 262
Bug fixes
- crash at startup (38cc670d)
v2.8.0 Build 261
- new default source using vector tiles! It opens almost all Alpimaps features to everyone! If you dont get it by default on next app start you can add the source
(you can remove the openstreetmap source) (aa57bb75)
Bug fixes
v2.7.1 Build 260
- new map font scale option to scale all labels on map (b1ec0a67)
- new map options bottom sheet available through a long press on the ⋮ button (a9d5b92c)
Bug fixes
- share item fix (afa88830)
- a lot of transit fixes (843674f1)
- contour style fix (2aabac9f)
- style improvements for latest map data (ab0764a8)
- max_hiking_difficulty to 6 for all profiles to ensure we use all available paths (d3f582a3)
- added options to disable address geocoding (e132f0a1)
- a lot of fixes for the items list page (9c23b6b1)
- chart not drawing correctly on older android (1a7001ad)
- button not having the right shape on older android versions (23e4ade1)
- direction panel improvements (1d496a41)
- better material theming (80cfdbf1)
- cleaner Settings page (498c5abe)
- online routing fix (f117261f)
- more items list fixes (dc046f76)
v2.7.0 Build 259
- download area is now working (in layer option menu). Added a new button to force a layer to only use cache data (34fee94e)
Bug fixes
- route thumbnail fix (a2c377b9)
- multiple item edit fixes (fe3e273a)
- multiple routes compute: add default settings route (014b4c4f)
- hide wikipedia button for routes (19cf6e08)
- action menu in items list not working (1d9ef25c)
- style improvements (21e7c153)
- faster item selection on map (ed52656d)
- long press on directions "search" will force only compute (14093c48)
- better saving of map position upon restart (64b130fd)
- allow to change contour lines opacity with a long press on the contour lines button (6368223a)
- ensure option select dialog allows to show all options (8f456632)
- impossibility to remove openstreetmap layer (f5eb88f7)
- prevent removing last layer (e445b733)
v2.6.1 Build 258
v2.6.0 Build 257
Bug fixes
- expandable directionpane (1098c9a4)
- some astronomy view improvements (7221c79b)
- map item info view improved with more OSM keys (17f60b11)
- untranslated strings are now using english instead of translation key (f2e475db)
- correctly hide keyboard from dialogs and such (f513c9cd)
- import GPX fix (80325129)
v2.5.1 Build 256
Bug fixes
- item info fixes (b76ec232)
- disable transit lines button on error (c2b801e3)
- elevation chart fixes (628a15b5)
- show patreon/librepay links in settings (fe9ed110)
- file pickers fix (bdd80e5c)
- item search fix (f2ad7b57)
- map interaction fix while following user position. (bba0570a)
- style update (a331c273)
- gps optional (6f010cce)
- wikipedia button almost always available (5cd819fe)