eslgo is a FreeSWITCH™ ESL library for GoLang. eslgo was written from the ground up in idiomatic Go for use in our production products tested handling thousands of calls per second.
go get v1.3.3
- Inbound ESL Connection
- Outbound ESL Server
- Event listeners by UUID or All events
- Unique-Id
- Application-UUID
- Job-UUID
- Context support for canceling requests
- All command types abstracted out
- You can also send custom data by implementing the
interfaceBuildMessage() string
- You can also send custom data by implementing the
- Basic Helpers for common tasks
- Call origination
- Call answer/hangup
- Audio playback
There are some buildable examples under the example
directory as well
package main
import (
func main() {
// Start listening, this is a blocking function
log.Fatalln(eslgo.ListenAndServe(":8084", handleConnection))
func handleConnection(ctx context.Context, conn *eslgo.Conn, response *eslgo.RawResponse) {
fmt.Printf("Got connection! %#v\n", response)
// Place the call in the foreground(api) to user 100 and playback an audio file as the bLeg and no exported variables
response, err := conn.OriginateCall(ctx, false, eslgo.Leg{CallURL: "user/100"}, eslgo.Leg{CallURL: "&playback(misc/ivr-to_hear_screaming_monkeys.wav)"}, map[string]string{})
fmt.Println("Call Originated: ", response, err)
package main
import (
func main() {
// Connect to FreeSWITCH
conn, err := eslgo.Dial("", "ClueCon", func() {
fmt.Println("Inbound Connection Disconnected")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error connecting", err)
// Create a basic context
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Minute)
defer cancel()
// Place the call in the background(bgapi) to user 100 and playback an audio file as the bLeg and no exported variables
response, err := conn.OriginateCall(ctx, true, eslgo.Leg{CallURL: "user/100"}, eslgo.Leg{CallURL: "&playback(misc/ivr-to_hear_screaming_monkeys.wav)"}, map[string]string{})
fmt.Println("Call Originated: ", response, err)
// Close the connection after sleeping for a bit
time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)