Web Form which stores the Employee data through the web page in an EMP-REL table in EMPLOYEE database through Save button.
Simple to use Real-time Database Reduced development and maintainance cost Maximum data processing performance
7th August 2022
Enter the data into the Web Form (Emp id, Emp name, Emp email)
Click the save button
Validate the data
Creating PUT request
Executing the request
Reset the data
Check the results on http://api.login2explore.com:5577/user/jpdb_view.html
saveEmployee(): On-click of save button
validateAndGetFormData(): Validates the data
createPUTRequest() and executeCommandAtGivenBaseUrl(): For request creation and execution (Taken from "http://login2explore.com/jpdb/resources/js/0.0.3/jpdb-commons.js")
resetForm(): resets form for the new data entry
Backend database in dynamic web application/ Mobile/ Desktop Apps
Completed the linking of JPDB to the Web Form.
Performed all the functionalities.
Introduction to JsonPowerDB: https://learn.login2explore.com/course/view.php?id=7