My solutions to Dcoder challenges, also known as Algo Yo. Feel free to ask questions, suggest modifications or present your own solutions.
- Bitwise for Dummies (C, Rust)
- Double the Number (C, Rust)
- Rotate Array (C, Rust)
- Floating Number (C, Rust)
- SwapMaster Solves Symmetric Swap (C, Rust)
- String Matching (C, Rust)
- Leap Year (C, Rust)
- Project Teams (C, Rust)
- Circle of Numbers (C, Rust)
- Happy String (C, Rust)
- Degree Celsius (C, Rust)
- Three's Company (C, Rust)
- Array Sum (C, Rust)
- Change in Case (C, Rust)
- Finding Nemo (C, Rust)
- Extraction of Numbers (C, Rust)
- Pangrams (C, Rust)
- José Learns Inglés (C, Rust)
- Special Array (C, Rust)
- Numbered Triangle (C, Rust)
- Archie and his Homework (C, Rust)
- Text Editor (C, Rust)
- The Homework (C, Rust)
- The Largest Gap (C, Rust)
- What's the ASCII? (C, Rust)
- Divide the Array (C, Rust)
- Grade the Students (C, Rust)
- First and the Last Digit (C, Rust)
- Dr. Primo Visits ArrayCon (C, Rust)
- Total Expenses (C, Rust)
- Valid Quadrilateral (C, Rust)
- Least Significant Bit (C, Rust)
- Ceil and Floor (C, Rust)
- The Running Race (C, Rust)
- The Beta Test Initiation (C, Rust)
- Ordinal Representation (C, Rust)
- Fare (C, Rust)
- Buy the Bundle (C, Rust)
- The Armstrong Number (C, Rust)
- Treasure Hunt (C, Rust)
- Help Cody (C, Rust)
- Tables (C, Rust)
- Equable Triangles (C, Rust)
- Tracy's Love. (C, Rust)
- Find the Eldest Brother! (C, Rust)
- Reverse the Linked List (C, Rust)
- First Half!! (C, Rust)
- The Coding Challenges (C, Rust)
- The Bit Flipper (C, Rust)
- I Don't Like Repetition (C, Rust)
- The Floating Circle (C, Rust)
- Binary to Decimal (C, Rust)
- Exponentia! (C, Rust)
- The Secure Function : Xr (C, Rust)
- The Report Card! (C, Rust)
- I'll Be the Next (C, Rust)
- Capitalize Me (C, Rust)
- Square of Squares (C, Rust)
- Find Me the Divisor Count (C, Rust)
- The Vowel Counter (C, Rust)
- The Closest to Average (C, Rust)
- Let's Get GCD (C, Rust)
- The Predictor (C, Rust)
- Reverse Me (C, Rust)
- The irritating Students (C, Rust)
- Toggle Me! (C, Rust)
- They See Me Palindroming (C, Rust)
- Avik and his Girlfriend's Necklace (C, Rust)
- The War of Problem Setters (C, Rust)
- The Sum of Array (C, Rust)
- The Triangle Game (C, Rust)
- The Rock, Paper, Scissor Game (C, Rust)
- Use Loops to Draw Patterns (Pyramid) (C, Rust)
- Sum of Squares (C, Rust)
- Learn Sum of Numbers (C, Rust)
- The Light Switch (C, Rust)
- Dcooooooooooder Fan (C, Rust)
- Learning Strings and Binary Numbers (C, Rust)
- Learning Sorting Numbers with If Else (C, Rust)
- Learning Prime Numbers with Loop/Recursion (C, Rust)
- The BlackJack with Conditions (C, Rust)
- The shortest Path Algo (Simple) (C, Rust)
- How Many Weeks (C, Rust)
- Learning Factorials with Loop/Recursion (C, Rust)
- Learning User Input with Natural Numbers (C, Rust)
- Printing Number Using Loop (C, Rust)
- Print Hello World (C, Rust)
- Wrestling Championship (C, Rust)
- Symmetric Matrix (C, Rust)
- Simple Multiple Problem (C, Rust)
- Word Frequency (C)
- Dcoder Admiration (C)
- Arithmetic Sequence (C)
- Cody's Team (C)
- The Perfect Square (C)
- Power Number (C)
- Binary Operations (C)
- Please Check the Password! (C)
- Stack! Stack! Stack! (C)
- Need for Shift (C)
- Reverse Bits (C)
- The Prime of the Binaries (C)
- Dictionary (C)
- Which Century is it? (C)
- The Skywalker Incursion (C)
- Queen Watches TV Series (C)
- Bruce Can't Convert (C)
- Minimum Buy (C)
- Tic-Tac-Toe (C)
- Winter is Coming (C)
- Steve Learns Etiquettes (C)
- Prime Ranges (C)
- Happy Friends (C)
- Chocolate Distribution (C)
- Count the Occurrences (C)
- Love Message (C)
- The Perfect Number (C)
- Rose and Jack's Marriage (C)
- Tokens (C)
- Word Numbers (C)
- Eric vs James (C)
- Reverse Everything. (C)
- Password Validator! (C)
- The 2's Complement (C)
- Where am I!! (C)
- The Left Rotation (C)
- Only You Can Complete Me. (C)
- The Number Pyramid! (C)
- MOM!! I Wanna Be Unique. (C)
- Number of the Beast (C)
- Find that Pair! (C)
- The Game of Brackets (Simple) (C)
- Count Trailing Zeroes in N! (C)
- The Simplest Compression (C)
- The Greater Numbers (C)
- The One and Only (C)
- Profit Matters! (C)
- Roots Roots Roots! (C)
- The Social Media Experiment! (C)
- The Longest Word. (C)
- The ^_^ -_- String (C)
- The ^_^ String (C)
- Let's Make Arrays Allies. (C)
- Guess the Fibonacci Number (C)
- Get the Median (C)
- Play with Strings (C)
- The Predictor (Enhanced) (C)
- The Pascal Triangle (C)
- Prime Numbers : My Friends (C)
- The Last Man Survived (C)
- The Big Multiplication (C)
- The Game of Power (C)
- I Need Equality (C)
- Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (C)
- Learn Sequences Fun Way (C)
- String - Half of the Half (C)
- The Divisibility Test (C)
- The Inquire (C)
- Learning Powers with Loops (C)
- Learning String with Pig Latin (C)
- Learning Even Odds with Strings and Loops (C)
- Range Update, Range Queries (C, Rust)
- Alice and Dictionary (C, Rust)
- Magic ChessBoard (C, Rust)
- Love for Mathematics (C, Rust)
- CashBack (C, Rust)
- Depleting Ammunition (C, Rust)
- Bourne's Supremacy (C, Rust)
- Looking in the Mirror (C, Rust)
- Shoe Matching (C)
- Haunted Rooms (C)
- XOR and Arrays (C)
- Maximum Subarray (C)
- Cody's Assignment (C)
- Co-Prime Numbers (C)
- Word Numbers Ultimate! (C)
- Number to Word (C)
- Sequencial Naming (C)
- Coins and Countries (C)
- String Permutation (C)
- Movie Ratings (C)
- The Game of Bits (C)
- Spiral Matrix (C)
- Panda's Average (C, Rust)
- Jojo Learns Stacks (C)
- The Middle Term (C)
- Dobi Needs Logic! (C)
- Jumping Jack (C)
- Maximized Reduction (C)
- Sliding Window (C, Rust)
- Equal Strings (C)
- Prime Subarray (C)
- Tournament (C)
- Sherlock Plays the Great Game (C, Rust)
- The Game of Brackets (C)
- Find the Majority Element in Array. (C)
- The Alphabet Pool (C)
- The Prime Search (C)
- Arrays and Merging (C)
- Great Power Comes with Great Responsibility (C)
- Play with Sequences and Subsequence (C, Rust)
- The Boring Sets (C)
- Fit Me In (C)
- The Cool Numbers (C)