NoxicDB is derived from LoE (Land of Elves) which was derived from WhyDB.
LoE ArcEmu World is a blizzlike world database for the ArcEmu WoW server emulator. It's based on WhyDB (thanks to them for their work) but with new updates.
If you set up an ArcEmu server for your first time you need a world database that contains all the basic information about NPCs, gameobjects, items, spells, quests and much more.
Visit the website for more information:
Before you can install LoE DB you will need a running MySQL server. Make a backup of your database !
We have added German localizations based on LoE (thanks to them for their work) but with important updates. If you don't need localizations you don't need to download.
Please ask questions or report bugs or fixes at ArcEmu or ArcPro forum. Thank you very much.
Simply start import.bat and follow the instructions on the screen.
Open in a text editor and enter your MySQL connection information (server, username, password, database names) near the top of the file.
Then simply start and follow the instructions on the screen. You can do this by typing in .tools/ --arcemu or arcpro or bash in the directory where the file is located. Note that this script needs to be run with bash.
You can find the latest structures in "ArcEmuRootFolder\sql":
You can find the latest structures in "ArcProRootFolder\sql":
logon_structure.sql character_structure.sql