make a 5-stage-pipelined-prpocessor which looks like MIPS somehow...
assume half word = 16 bit and thee width of the bus is 16 bit so we cann't transfer 32 bit at one time
the interrupt code handler is in addresses from 0 to 31
there are 4 memories in our processor where every memory is 16 bits width :
Memory Name | Purpose | Size | Stage |
instruction memory | holds the instruction to be executed by the processor | 220 half world | IF stage |
data memory | holds any data like if we said int x = 10; then x will be stored in data memory |
216 half world | MEM stage |
port in memory | holds the Input data from external world | 24 half world | MEM stage |
port out memory | holds the output data to external world | 24 half world | MEM stage |
and we had many registers for example:
register name | purpose | size | stage |
PC | this is the program counter that holds the address of the next instruction to be executed | 32 bit | IF stage |
SP | this is stack pointer which acts stack pointer (empty ascending) and base address is 2047 | 32 bit | MEM stage |
EPC | exception program counter which holds the address of malfunctioned instruction | 32 bit | ----- |
CAUSE | holds the number representing reason of exception whether it's stack overflow/underflow, .... | 4 bit | ----- |
reg file | this is the register file which contains 8 general purpose registers | (8 * 16) bit | ID stage |
CCR | this is the register that holds the flags (OVF, NF, ZF, CF) needed for the processor to operate | 4 bit | EX stage |
we have 7 major units in our processor which are is follow :
ALU (arithmetic logical unit) : this unit is responsible for preforming some logical operations like:
- 0 ADD
- 1 SUB
- 2 INC
- 3 DEC
- 4 AND
- 5 OR
- 6 NOT
- 7 SHL
- 8 SHR
- 9 MUL
- 10 DIV
- 11 MOV
- 12 MOD -
CU (control unit) : this unit is responsible for producing all needed signals for the processor to act , all signals produced can be found here and they are as follow :
control unit signals: 32 signals -> active high // there is a decoding circuit in the fetch stage to handle the LDM command -> RegLow_write -> 1 bit (reg_dst1_write_back) active in : - all of R_type instructions - m_type in case of IN and LDD - s_type in case of POP and PC != 1 - I type in case of LDM -> RegHigh_write2 -> 1 bit (reg_dst2_write_back) active in : - multiplication command only -> ALU_OP -> 4 bits values: - 0 (ADD) when opcode is 1 and funct is 2 - 1 (SUB) when opcode is 1 and funct is 3 - 2 (INC) when opcode is 2 and funct is 2 - 3 (DEC) when opcode is 2 and funct is 3 - 4 (AND) when opcode is 3 and funct is 1 - 5 (OR) when opcode is 3 and funct is 0 - 6 (NOT) when opcode is 3 and funct is 2 - 7 (SHL) when opcode is 2 and funct is 0 - 8 (SHR) when opcode is 2 and funct is 1 - 9 (MUL) when opcode is 1 and funct is 1 - 10 (DIV) when opcode is 1 and funct is 0 - 11 (MOV) when opcode is 3 and funct is 3 - 12 (MOD) when opcode is 12 and funct is 0 otherwise: - we use the command MOV for any other operation -> ALU_src1 -> 2 bits (to select between shmt, Rsrc, data fro, second line in case of LDM) values: - 0 : when input to Rsrc in ALU comes from register file (anyother case) - 1 : when input to Rsrc in ALU comes from DATA which is 16 input used mostly with LDM command - 2 : when input to Rsrc in ALU comes from shmt to do shifting (ALUOP = SHF | SHR) -> MemToReg -> 1 bit (to choose the source of Rdst1 is comming from the memory or result of ALU) active in : - LDD, POP (where PC = 0 and flags = 0) , IN -> memWrite -> 1 bit (signal to write to the data memory) active in : - PUSH, STD, CALL #imm , CALL Rdst -> memRead -> 1 bit (signal to read from the data memory) active in : - POP, LDD -> portWrite -> 1 bit (signal to write to the port memory) active in : - OUT -> portRead -> 1 bit (signal to read from the port memory) active in : - IN -> memType -> 1 bit (to select between the port memory and data memory) active in : - when memRead or memWrite is high -> PC_push_pop -> 1 bit (to indication we should pop/push PC) active in: - using PUSH/POP and PC = 1 - using CALL -> flags_push_pop -> 1 bit (to indication we should pop/push flags) active in: - using PUSH/POP and flags = 1 -> JMP_type -> 2 bit (to indicate whether jump on: flag(carry, zero, negative) or unconditional) values: - 0 when performing unconditional jump - 1 when jumping on carry flag - 2 when jumping on negative flag - 3 when jumping on zero flag -> is_jmp -> 1 bit (to indication it's a jump command or not) active in: - b_type instructions, CALL, I_type except for LDM -> JMP_src -> 1 bit (to select whether to jump using immediate value or using register) active in: - I_type -> SET_Z -> 1 bit (sets the zero flag) active in: - c_type instructions group 1 (SET_Z) -> SET_N -> 1 bit (sets the negative flag) active in: - c_type instructions group 1 (SET_N) -> SET_C -> 1 bit (sets the carry flag) active in: - c_type instructions group 1 (SET_C) -> SET_OVF -> 1 bit (sets the interrupt flag) active in: - c_type instructions group 1 (SET_OVF) -> CLR_Z -> 1 bit (clears the zero flag) active in: - c_type instructions group 0 (CLR_Z) and CLR_FLAGS instruction -> CLR_N -> 1 bit (clears the negative flag) active in: - c_type instructions group 0 (CLR_N) and CLR_FLAGS instruction -> CLR_C -> 1 bit (clears the carry flag) active in: - c_type instructions group 0 (CLR_C) and CLR_FLAGS instruction -> CLR_OVF -> 1 bit (clears the interrupt aaflag) active in: - c_type instructions group 0 (CLR_OVF) and CLR_FLAGS instruction - RTI instruction (POP PC, flags) -> SP_src -> 2 bit (select whether to keep SP value as it's or decrement it or increment it) values : - 0 keep the value of SP as it's in case of NO (PUSH/POP, CALL) - 1 decrement the value of SP by 1 incase of POP - 2 increment the value of SP by 1 incase of PUSH, CALL -> mem_data_src -> 1 bit (select between PUSH PC or Rdst) active in: - PUSH command, PC | flags = 1 - CALL -> mem_address_src -> 1 bit (select between using address using Rdst and SP) acive in : - POP/PUSH instructions (s_type) - CALL -> SETINT : -> 1 bit active in : - opcode = 11 -> RST : -> 1 bit active in: - opcode = 13
EDU (exception detection unit) : this is the unit that's responsible for exception detection and it works as follows : whenever thers is an exception, the address of the malfunctioned instruction will be stored in EPC and a number will be stored in the register called CAUSE that represents the reason of the exception where the reason of exception are as follows:
CAUSE valus: -> 0 : no error -> 1 : stack overflow (mem stage) -> 2 : stack underflow (mem stage) -> 3 : invalid instruction (decode stage) -> 4 : Division by zero (ex stage) -> 5 : out of memory boundries in instruction memory (ex stage) -> 6 : out of memory boundries in data memory (mem stage)
FU1 (first forwarding unit) : this is a forwarding unit that can from MEM stage (ALU-to-ALU) or from WB stage (MEM-to-ALU) to EX stage where the condition of forwarding is as follows:
-> if EX/MEM.RegLowWrite and EX/MEM.RegisterRdst1 = ID/EX.RegisterRsrc then forward EX/MEM.RegisterRdst1 to ALU_Rsrc else if EX/MEM.RegHighWrite and EX/MEM.RegisterRdst2 = ID/EX.RegisterRsrc then forward EX/MEM.RegisterRdst2 to ALU_Rsrc else if MEM/WB.RegLowWrite and EX/MEM.RegisterRdst1 = ID/EX.RegisterRsrc then forward EX/MEM.RegisterRdst1 to ALU_Rsrc else if MEM/WB.RegHighWrite and EX/MEM.RegisterRdst2 = ID/EX.RegisterRsrc then forward EX/MEM.RegisterRdst2 to ALU_Rsrc -> if EX/MEM.RegLowWrite and EX/MEM.RegisterRdst1 = ID/EX.RegisterRsrc then forward EX/MEM.RegisterRdst1 to ALU_Rdst else if EX/MEM.RegHighWrite and EX/MEM.RegisterRdst2 = ID/EX.RegisterRsrc then forward EX/MEM.RegisterRdst2 to ALU_Rdst else if MEM/WB.RegLowWrite and EX/MEM.RegisterRdst1 = ID/EX.RegisterRsrc then forward EX/MEM.RegisterRdst1 to ALU_Rdst else if MEM/WB.RegHighWrite and EX/MEM.RegisterRdst2 = ID/EX.RegisterRsrc then forward EX/MEM.RegisterRdst2 to ALU_Rdst
FU2 (second forwarding unit) : this is a forwarding unit that can from WB stage (MEM-to-MEM) to MEM stage where the condition of forwarding is as follows:
-> if MEM/WB.reglow_writeback and (EX/MEM.RegisterRdst = MEM/WB.RegisterRdst1) then forward MEM/WB.RegisterRdst1 back data to memory data else if MEM/WB.reghigh_writeback and (EX/MEM.RegisterRdst = MEM/WB.RegisterRdst2) then forward MEM/WB.RegisterRdst2 back data to memory data -> if MEM/WB.reglow_writeback and (EX/MEM.RegisterRsrc = MEM/WB.RegisterRdst1) then forward MEM/WB.RegisterRdst1 back data to memory address else if MEM/WB.reghigh_writeback and (EX/MEM.RegisterRsrc = MEM/WB.RegisterRdst2) then forward MEM/WB.RegisterRdst2 back data to memory address
HDU (hazard detection unit) : stalls the processor for only 1 cycle in some special conditions of load-case (not all of load-use-case conditions as many of load-use-case are solved using (MEM-to-MEM) forwarding unit) and the logic of HDU is as follows :
we will only stall 1 cycle in the following cases: case 1: LDD or OUT then R_type instrucion case 2: LDD or OUT then B_type instruction
regFile (register file) : that's the file that holds the our 8 general purpose registers.
stage name | main purpose |
IF (instruction fetch) stage | fetchs the instruction from the memory and changes PC for interrupt or reset signal |
ID (instruction decode) stage | decodes the instruction by CU to output needed control signals and contains reg file |
EX (execute) stage | execute any instruction related to ALU , has the CCR (flags) register, executes jmup instructions |
MEM (memory) stage | anything related to data memory, stack, port in/out memory |
WB (write-back) stage | anything related to writing back to the register file |
go to this directory
if you are on windows machine, then it's recommended to open
git bash
or any other bash that could execute bash scripts -
if you are on linux machine, just open the terminal
run the folllowing command :
./make_code <number_of_script_to_be_executed>
so for example : in the folder called test codes, you will find a file called 45_prime_number_calculation.txt , so in order to execute this code you just write the command./make_code 45
and the assembler will produce the binary representation of that code and put it in the directory of modelsim work -
then in modelsim trascript (terminal), just write
and it will execute this code
instruction | what it will do | flags affected |
DIV Rsrc, Rdst | NF, ZF | |
MUL Rds1, Rdst2, Rsrc | {Rdst1, Rdst2} = Rsrc * Rdst1 | NF, ZF |
ADD Rsrc, Rdst | Rdst = Rdst + Rsrc | NF, ZF, CF, OVF |
SUB Rsrc, Rdst | Rdst = Rdst - Rsrc | NF, ZF, CF, oVF |
SHL Rdst, #imm | Rdst = Rdst << #imm | NF, ZF, CF, OVF |
SHR Rdst, #imm | Rdst = Rdst >> #imm | NF, ZF, CF, OVF |
INC Rdst | Rdst = Rdst + 1 | NF, ZF, CF, OVF |
DEC Rdst | Rdst = Rdst - 1 | NF, ZF, CF, OVF |
OR Rsrc, Rdst | Rdst = Rdst | Rsrc | NF, ZF |
AND Rsrc, Rdst | Rdst = Rdst & Rsrc | NF, ZF |
NOT Rdst | Rdst = ~Rdst | NF, ZF, OVF |
MOV Rsrc, Rdst | Rdst = Rsrc | none |
MOD Rsrc, Rdst | Rdst = Rdst % Rsrc | NF, ZF |
JZ Rdst |
if(ZF == 0) then PC ← [PC + Rdst] ZF = 0 |
ZF |
JN Rdst |
if(NF == 0) then PC ← [PC + Rdst] NF = 0 |
NF |
JC Rdst |
if(CF == 0) then PC ← [PC + Rdst] CF = 0 |
CF |
JMP Rdst | PC ← [PC + Rdst] | none |
CLRZ | ZF ← 0 | ZF |
CLRN | NF ← 0 | NF |
CLRC | CF ← 0 | CF |
CLROVF | OVF ← 0 | OVF |
SETZ | ZF ← 1 | ZF |
SETN | NF ← 1 | NF |
SETC | CF ← 1 | CF |
SETOVF | OVF ← 1 | OVF |
PUSH Rdst | MEM[SP] = Rdst SP++ |
none |
PUSH PC | MEM[SP] = PC[15:0] MEM[SP+1]={flags,PC[27:16]} SP += 2 |
none |
PUSH PC_FLAGS | MEM[SP] = PC[15:0] MEM[SP+1]={flags,PC[27:16]} SP += 2 |
none |
POP Rdst | Rdst = MEM[SP] SP-- |
none |
POP PC | {dummy,PC[27:16]} = MEM[SP] PC[15:0] = MEM[SP-1] SP -= 2 |
none |
POP PC_FLAGS | {flags,PC[27:16]} = MEM[SP] PC[15:0] = MEM[SP-1] SP -= 2 |
OUT Rdst, #port_num | port_out[#port_num] = Rdst | none |
IN Rdst, #port_num | Rdst = port_in[#port_num] | none |
LDD Rsrc, Rdst | Rdst = MEM[Rsrc] | none |
STD Rsrc, Rdst | MEM[Rdst] = Rsrc | none |
LDM Rdst, #imm | Rdst = #imm | none |
CALL #imm | MEM[SP] = PC[15:0] MEM[SP+1] = {flags,PC[27:0]} SP += 2 PC = #imm |
none |
JMP #imm | PC = #imm | none |
JZ #imm |
if(ZF == 0) then PC ← #imm ZF = 0 |
ZF |
JN Rdst |
if(NF == 0) then PC ← #imm NF = 0 |
NF |
JC Rdst |
if(CF == 0) then PC ← #imm CF = 0 |
CF |
CLR_FLAGS | ZF = 0 ← CF = 0 ← NF = 0 ← OVF = 0 | ZF, CF, ZF, OVF |
NOP | do nothing | none |
SETINT | same as Interrupt signal but via software |
none |
RST | same as RESET signal but via software |
RET | POP PC | none |
CALL Rdst | MEM[SP] = PC[15:0] MEM[SP+1] = {flags,PC[27:0]} SP += 2 PC = [PC + #imm] |
none |
Signal name | function |
RESET | PC ← 25 and resets all other memory locations like regFile, port memory, dataMemory, etc... |
Interrupt | PUSH PC_FLAGS PC ← 0 note that any instructions in the pipe will be executed before the exection of the interrupt |
the I_type instructions are 32 bits in width so it needs 2 clocks cycle to be fetched while other types are only 16 bits so it needs only 1 clock to be fetched , that's why there is a unit called I_type detection unit in the fetch stage
you can find the full detailed design here
we did the design using KICAD 6.0 , so it's recommended to see our desgin using KiCad and not just a pdf viewer , the project files made by KiCad can be found here
we made the assembler using python and you can found the code of the python script here
this directory is the modelsim project directory to open and verilog codes of our project can be found here where
is like ourmain
you can find information about our ISA Here
in multiplication, we have 2 destination Rdst, while in division it's only 1 Rdst.
the default command to be executed in ALU for non-ALU commands is
command. -
comments, putting code in special address, etc... , all of that are features offered by the assembler
since PC is 32 bit and only 20 bit of it will be used to access the memory so when pushing PC , we pushed it as follows : {flags, PC[27:0]} , so incase we wanted to pop flags, we can do that easily.
we maded (MEM-to-MEM) forwarding to solve some load-use-case problems like
lDD R1, R2
thenSTD R1, R3
which only trasnfer data from one place in the memory to another -
we couldn't execute unconditional jump in the decode stage as it will need extra hardware as we will need a third forwarding unit to forward Rdst from EX or MEM stage to decode stage if there is any dependency for instrctions like
this directory contains anything related to automated-simulation, memories files.
nested interrupts are handled in our processor where if an interrupt arrives while there is another interrupt being executed, we will serve the newly comming interrupt.