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Fast USDC Beta 1

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@dckc dckc released this 13 Feb 07:33
· 337 commits to master since this release

The Fast USDC contract is ready for beta testing.

The attached bundles and permit are extracted from a ci job for #10996 :

Artifact a3p-integration has been successfully uploaded! Final size is 4914023 bytes. Artifact ID is 2583542491
Artifact download URL:

The start-fast-usdc.js asset was built using:

$ cd packages/builders
$ agoric run scripts/fast-usdc/ --net MAINNET
creating start-fast-usdc-permit.json
creating start-fast-usdc.js
You can now run a governance submission command like:
  agd tx gov submit-proposal swingset-core-eval start-fast-usdc-permit.json start-fast-usdc.js \
    --title="Enable <something>" --description="Evaluate start-fast-usdc.js" --deposit=1000000ubld \
    --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.2
Remember to install bundles before submitting the proposal:
  agd tx swingset install-bundle @/home/connolly/.agoric/cache/b1-ff51ba7d4abbab92013467813379be4d428b0b7a3f1a6f2ebd06c9b774e0e4e6acfbd6aea9e508d53419c50e13495b314a1b1fb94392ce42ea8feb18de9b3fa7.json
  agd tx swingset install-bundle @/home/connolly/.agoric/cache/b1-6f742c9506079a4ad917c50ef15cab85c5d2c8d562c04de72e9a79c2a192ba36e7c88aa365b740a0e1fd1968199289e20ed23ee62dd4a3240da78ebb6763fa34.json