Improve Reconstructor & PtychoNN Training
Update dependency versions
Refactor to simplify plugins
Use floats for scan positions
Display message dialog when attempting to edit item without parameters
Include initializer name in probe/object table views
Handle exceptions when file saving fails
Support saving multi-mode probes to CSV
Transpose array dimensions when reading/writing MATLAB files
Add reader for Bionanoprobe MDA scan files
Support power decay and orthogonalization when initializing additional probe modes
Change scan/object mapping: midpoint of scan bounding box now anchored to center of object array
Object padding is customizable; object grows to maintain center point
Refactor state data input/output: output now includes object center
Refactor model to reduce code duplication between reconstructor library adapters
Reconstruction results are only added to the scan/probe/object repositories when changed
Add support for extracting object patches via interpolation
Add controls for changing tike log level
PtychoNN training and inference are now working
Implement circular buffers to support PtychoNN continual training workflows
Can save PtychoNN training data to NPZ file
Display loss plot in reconstructor view after training
Add batch mode training hook for workflows
Add reconstructor API for workflows
Click to display image view coordinates
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