This repository contains scripts contributed by the InDesign scripting community. These are free scripts and comply with Open Source protocols.
Unicode Injector by Kris Coppieters - Use keyboard shortcuts to easily insert one or more Unicode characters into InDesign text. Instructions and Website
Insert Typographer Quote by Stefan Rakete - Use keyboard shortcuts to add defined typographic quotes before and after the selected text. Instructions and Website
Layer Cloner by Paolo Agostinetto - This script allows you to copy one layer and its elements from one document to another. Instructions and Website
Get x-Height by Roland Dreger - determine the x-height of a text passage. Instructions and Website
Snap Margins to Text Frame by Ariel Walden - A script to modify the document's margins throughout to match the selected text frame. Instructions and Website
Break Text Thread by Ariel Walden - An InDesign script that makes breaking the thread between text frames easy. Instructions and Website
InCopy Note Alert by Kris Coppieters - A startup script for Adobe® InDesign® and Adobe InCopy® which alerts to the presence of notes. Instructions and Website
Copy Paste Coordinates by Kris Coppieters - Script to copy-paste coordinates onto page items. Instructions and Website
Chain Grep by Gregor Fellenz - Chain InDesign GREP Queries to new Scripts. Instructions and Website
Clear Overrides by Gregor Fellenz - Clear style overrides from InDesign Text, Tables or Objects. Instructions and Website
Invert Selection by Luis Felipe Corullón - script to invert the selection in InDesign document. Instructions and Website
Layer Cloner by Paolo Agostinetto - This script allows you to copy one layer and its elements from one document to anothe. Instructions and Website
End Notes to End of Book Notes by Peter Kahrel - Convert end-of-document endnotes to end-of-book endnotes. Instructions and Website
Renumbering Endnote References by Peter Kahrel - Script creates endnotes whose references do not update automatically when you add or remove endnotes. Instructions and Website
Size Thing to Page by Olav Kvern - Resizes the current selection such as an image to the size of the page. Instructions and Website
Size Page to Thing by Olav Kvern - Resizes the page to the size of the current selection such as an image. Instructions and Website
The goal of the InDesign Community Script Project is to make InDesign users aware of the the power of scripting in InDesign and the many free scripts available. Adobe would like to connect users with the scripting community to explore scripts for sale or to hire a scripter to develop a custom script and improve your workflow. The repository will be useful to individuals trying to learn more about scripting.
The repository is not intended to be comprehensive. Adobe may not be aware of scripts or scripters in the market.
See Adobe's Help page for further information about installing and running scripts:
Adobe welcomes contributions from scripters! Please email Adobe at with details about the script you would like to submit. Adobe will review your proposal and try to respond in 72 hours. Adobe will review the script for overall usefulness and security
- Provide a link to your script in your own Github repository
- Make sure the script is well documented
- No binary scripts are permitted
- Javascript is preferred but Adobe will consider Applescript
- Choose an Open Source License for your script. You may use either the MIT or GNU license Place the License terms in a file called License in the folder of the script Include the License header in the script
- Adobe may have questions or requests to modify
- If Adobe selects your script to be included in Adobe's InDesign Community Script Repository, we will create a fork and copy the script. Adobe will maintain the links to community scripts on our Scripting Help page
- If you make updates to your script, notify Adobe and submit a pull request
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information. Scripters can choose either the MIT or GNU open Source licenses and must provide them with their script.
See Code of Conduct file for more information.