A D&D campaign helper.
- Collaborators : Contact
- Creating a D&D Campaign helper that improves quality of life for campaigns and combat
- Improve the quality of life and gameflow of DM's and players.
- We are doing this to save some time for players and improve the QoL for players
- Device Connectivity:
- Users should be able to connect to each others device to give an update about combat and etc..
- The DM and the players are going to be connected to show the game
- DM Interface
- DM has a list of players info and character sheets
- edit and take notes
- Player Interface
- Toggle dice roller. Have their own character sheets and status.
- Players should have their own screen
Adam: "Developed a public messaging system and reasearched the best fitting database"
Jira Task: Implement UI for Combat Order
- CP-26, Bitbucket Branch
Jira Task: Research AppwWrite BaaS
Jira Task: Implement Google Firebase
Jira Task: Implement DM to Player messaging system
Joshua: "Created the database connection, as well as the lobby joining process."
Jira Task: Create Room System for Players and DM
- CP-83, Bitbucket Branch
Jira Task: Create base project file structure using Next.js
Jira Task: Database Schema Design for Combat Tracking
Jira Task: Investigate DND API
Jira Task: Build local multiplayer integration
Olivia: ""
Jira Task: Implement Player UI
- CP-82, Bitbucket Branch
Jira Task: Implement DM interface
Jira Task: Design/ Implement UI for Combat Page
Jira Task: Design Player Management UI
Jira Task: Creating Components for DM Home and Character Sheets
Jira Task: Design DM interface
Roman: "Designed and integrated database and authentication through Firebase"
Jira Task: Design Database Schema
- CP-36, Bitbucket Branch
Jira Task: Implement Initial Structure of the Database
Jira Task: Implement Authentication for User Data Secuirty
Jira Task: Implement Backend API to Connect to Cloud Database
Lorenz: "Designed,implemented and integrated Homescreen,Character Page, and Login Page (Front-end)"
Jira Task: Design home screen
- CP-3
- Bitbucket Branch
Jira Task: Track Player data in database
Jira Task: Use 5ednd API to create a test and mockup for the API
Jira Task: Implement Player List Component
Jira Task: Implement Home screen design
Adam: "Implemented a private messaging system UI, a cleaner authentication frontend, and researched user messaging backend"
Jira Task: Implement a shadCn Forms component
Jira Task: Implement SignUp UI
Jira Task: Implement SignIn UI
Jira Task: Redirect unauthorized users to the SignIn page
Jira Task: Design the Message System UI
Jira Task: Implement chat button on DM homepage
Jira Task: Implement chat button on Player homepage
Jira Task: Implement shadCn derived drawer component
Jira Task: Implement messaging design UI
Jira Task: Research auth respective messaging
Joshua: "Psst. Hey. Summarize what you did."
Jira Task: Sync Character Stats from backend
Jira Task: Create basic dice roller pop up
Jira Task: Create Enemy Template Creation Screen
Jira Task: Create character creation UI
Jira Task: Create character creation logic
Jira Task: Adding DM edit stats of enemy templates
Olivia: "Psst. Hey. Summarize what you did."
Jira Task: Create overall color scheme and design
Jira Task: Add in functional features/buttons for Player
Jira Task: Redesign the Player Interface
Jira Task: Add in functional features/buttons for DM
Jira Task: Fix style of Player pages
Jira Task: Fix style of DM pages
Jira Task: Fixing bugs in CSS
Roman: "Finshed the Sign In and Sign Up system, including storing userId's for use elsewhere."
Jira Task: Add Email Verification for Sign Up
Jira Task: Fix Storing of UserID Locally
Jira Task: Link SignIn UI With Backend
Jira Task: Refine Sign Up Backend
Jira Task: Implement Sign In Backend
Jira Task: Link Signup UI with backend
Jira Task: Track DM Data in database
Lorenz: "Worked on UI to make it appealing. Implemented Combat,About and Contact Pages."
Jira Task: Add visually appealing styles on the homepage
Jira Task: Implement About Us Page
Jira Task: Implement Combat Components
Jira Task: Implement Player Conditions component for combat
Jira Task: Implement Inventory Components for players
Jira Task: Redesign Combat Page for the player and add all components
Jira Task: Pull data from the player to show Spells/Actions
Jira Task: Implement Contact Us Page UI
- Implementing private message backend
- Making small minor non-necessity changes
- Adding in Saving functionality for characters, and encounters.
- Polishing the room system, and player syncing
- Notes system backend
- Finalizing/cleaning up CSS/style
- Cleaning up files and making sure everything is readable/documented
- Work on the hosting of the app
- Start on fixing our current known bugs
- Refine the backend for the DMs and Campaigns
- Notes system on front-end and backend
- Fixes on build, styling and etc..
Adam: "Finalized Messaging System and Added DM Buttons"
Jira Task: Set Up Player Message Notifications
Jira Task: Implement message receiving
Jira Task: Integrate Message History and Logging
Jira Task: Create home button (DM)
Jira Task: Implement message sending
Jira Task: Reformat directories
Jira Task: Create enemy creation button
Joshua: "Finalized Combat and Connectivity"
Jira Task: Allow DM's to look at other player's character sheets
Jira Task: Prompt players with character creation if they have no character in room
Jira Task: Add in syncing encounters into combat
Jira Task: Reformat encounter syncing for DM
Jira Task: Add initiative flow into combat menu
Jira Task: Sync combat initiative for across active players
Jira Task: Add in Encounter creation into DM screen
Jira Task: Save templates to user/load from user
Olivia: "Cleaned up the UI, made it consistent across all pages, and reworked the homescreen"
Jira Task: Clean up DM UI
Jira Task: Clean up Player UI
Jira Task: Fixing css in signup signin
Jira Task: Adjusting homescreen colors
Jira Task: Rework Homescreen
Jira Task: Make sure all UI is consistent
Jira Task: Fixing CSS bugs
Roman: "Finshed the Sign In and Sign Up system, including storing userId's for use elsewhere."
Jira Task: Deploy Danddy
Jira Task: Defaults to Last Room Joined
Jira Task: Change UserId to Primary User Key
Jira Task: Restructure Room Objects in Database
Jira Task: Fix Issue With Maps Not Appearing
Lorenz: "Helped polishing UI, added notes functionality, and assisted in debugging builds"
Jira Task: Ensure that all notes are saved and persist across multiple sessions, allowing users to reference past notes from earlier sessions.
Jira Task: Attempt to fix bugs to build the project
Jira Task: Polish character creation screen
Jira Task: Add hotfix for Build
Jira Task: Fix consistent style across all pages
Adam Long
Joshua Mason
Olivia Laurel
Roman Merlick
Lorenz De Robles