com.adikteev.crossdk-adapter-android 1.0.1 Latest version
Install 1/2: Add this to pom.xml:
Learn more about Maven or Gradle
Install 2/2: Run via command line
$ mvn install
About this package
Adikteev AppLovin MAX Adapter is a solution belonging to Adikteev. It provides android adapter to
connect AppLovin SDK to Adikteev SDK.
First you need to integrate the AppLovin SDK then you can use our adapter to display a cross
promoted ad.
Create an AppLovin account here
Create a custom network with the following configuration:
- type: SDK
- Android / Fire OS Adapter Class
Create your own Ad Unit for the wanted format (interstitial or
rewarded) here.
For testing purposes, you can add your device GAID to test mode
devices here.
Note : Modification on your AppLovin account is not real time, there may have up to 1 hour of
For a full guide refer to the Applovin integration documentation for android
available here
Add the dependency to you app-level build.gradle
implementation 'com.applovin:applovin-sdk:+'
Add the repositories part only if it's not already in your settings.gradle
Add the requirements (with last version indicating in the documentation here:
implementation ''
Add the review service.
apply plugin: 'applovin-quality-service'
applovin {
Note : If you are logged into your AppLovin account and copy this line from the documentation, you should directly see your key instead of "YOUR_AD_REVIEW_KEY_HERE".
Add your SDK key to your AndroidManifest.xml
, inside the application element:
<meta-data android:name="applovin.sdk.key" android:value="YOUR_SDK_KEY_HERE" />
Note : If you are logged into your AppLovin account and copy this line from the documentation, you should directly see your key instead of "YOUR_SDK_KEY_HERE".
Add dependencies to your root level build.graddle (before the pluggins).
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
classpath "com.applovin.quality:AppLovinQualityServiceGradlePlugin:+"
Follow AppLovin documentation for initializing the SDK:
class MainActivity : Activity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Make sure to set the mediation provider value to "max" to ensure proper functionality
AppLovinSdk.getInstance( context ).setMediationProvider( "max" )
AppLovinSdk.getInstance( context ).initializeSdk({ configuration: AppLovinSdkConfiguration ->
// AppLovin SDK is initialized, start loading ads
Follow the documentation depending on the format you want to use. Currently our adapter only supports interstitial and rewarded ads:
Follow the Installation
step in the readme of the CrossDK repository to install Adikteev Cross
SDK here
- Step 1 : Generate a Personal Access Token for GitHub
- Inside you GitHub account go to: Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Tokens ->
Generate new token - Make sure you select the following scopes (“ write:packages”, “ read:packages”) and Generate a
token - After Generating make sure to copy your new personal access token. You cannot see it again! The
only option is to generate a new key
- Step 2 : Update settings.gradle inside the project module
- Add the following code to build.gradle inside the app module that will be using the SDK published
on GitHub Package Registry
repositories {
maven {
name = "GitHubPackages"
url = uri("")
credentials {
*GITHUB_USERID: your github user Id
*PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN: The generated access token
username = "GITHUB_USERID"
- inside dependencies of the build.gradle of app module, use the following code:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.adikteev:crossdk-adapter-android:x.x.x'
x.x.x: refers to the version of the adapter
- You can also download manually the adapter release package directly from
our Github package registry page - Place the release package inside a lib folder in your android studio project
- Add these lines into your app build.gradle file:
implementation files('./libs/crossdk-adapter-android-x.x.x.aar')
x.x.x: refers to the version of the adapter
On your AppLovin account, edit your Ad Unit
format here and enable the Custom Network created
previously for Adikteev SDK.
Set the custom parameter:
"app_identifier": "com.YOUR_APP_ID",
"api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
You should be able to see Adikteev cross promotion ad when showing applovin ads.
- March 24, 2023
- 3 dependencies
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1.module.sha512
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1.module.sha256
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1.module.md5
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1.module.sha1
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1.module
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1-sources.jar.sha512
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1-sources.jar.sha256
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1-sources.jar.md5
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1-sources.jar.sha1
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1-sources.jar
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1.pom.sha512
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1.pom.sha256
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1.pom.md5
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1.pom.sha1
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1.pom
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1.aar.sha512
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1.aar.sha256
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1.aar.md5
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1.aar.sha1
- crossdk-adapter-android-1.0.1.aar
Download activity
- Total downloads 1
- Last 30 days 0
- Last week 0
- Today 0
Recent versions
Mar 24, 2023