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Covid cases

  • Covid cases in 2021

map affected coronavirus april 2021

  • Covid cases in 2022

map affected coronavirus april 2022


We have to face three challenges here:

  • Place pins on a map based on location.
  • Scale pin radius based on affected number of covid cases.
  • Spain got canary island that is a territory placed far away, we need to cropt that islands and paste them in a visible place in the map.


  • We will take as starting example 00-render-map-hover and 02-pin-location-scale, let's copy the content from that folder and execute npm install.
npm install

Let's copy it under the following route ./src/spain.json

  • Now instead of importing europe.json we will import spain.json, covid_04_2021, covid_04_2022, ResultEntry


import * as d3 from "d3";
import * as topojson from "topojson-client";
- const europejson = require("./europe.json");
+ const spainjson = require("./spain.json");
  • Let's build the spainjson:


+ const spainjson = require("./spain.json");
  • If we run the project we will get some bitter-sweet feelings, we can see a map of spain, but it's too small, and on the other hand, canary islands are shown far away (that's normal, but usually in maps these islands are relocated).

  • If we run the project we can check that the map is now renders in a proper size and position, let's go for the next challenge, we want to reposition Canary Islands, in order to do that we can build a map projection that positions that piece of land in another place, for instance for the USA you can find Albers USA projection:, there's a great project created by Roger Veciana that implements a lot of projections for several maps:

Let's install the library that contains this projections:

npm install d3-composite-projections --save
  • Let's import it in our index.ts (we will use require since we don't have typings).
+ const d3Composite = require("d3-composite-projections");
  • Let's change the projection we are using (we will need to tweak as well the scale and translate values):


const aProjection =
-   d3
-  .geoMercator()
+  d3Composite
+  .geoConicConformalSpain()
  • Let's define the geoPath of the projection:
const aProjection =
+   d3
+  .geoPath()
+  .projection(aProjection);
  • Let's define the geojson:
+ const geojson = 
+    topojson
+    .feature(spainjson, spainjson.objects.ESP_adm1);
  • Let's set the projection size to adjust with geojson:
+ aProjection
+ .fitSize([1024, 800], geojson);

This code is already in the version that I used to start this new project.

  • Let's define the layout, the size, and background color:
const svg = d3
  .attr("width", 1024)
  .attr("height", 800)
  .attr("style", "background-color: #FBFAF0");
  • Let's define the geojson:
  .attr("class", "country")
  .attr("d", geoPath as any);
  • If we run the project, voila ! we got the map just the way we want it.

  • Now we want to display a circle in the middle of each community (autonomous community) to represent the number of covid cases in each community, we have collected the latitude and longitude for each community, let's add them to our project.


export const latLongCommunities = [
    name: "Madrid",
    long: -3.70256,
    lat: 40.4165,
    name: "Andalucía",
    long: -4.5,
    lat: 37.6,
    name: "Valencia",
    long: -0.37739,
    lat: 39.45975,
    name: "Murcia",
    long: -1.13004,
    lat: 37.98704,
    name: "Extremadura",
    long: -6.16667,
    lat: 39.16667,
    name: "Cataluña",
    long: 1.86768,
    lat: 41.82046,
    name: "País Vasco",
    long: -2.75,
    lat: 43.0,
    name: "Cantabria",
    long: -4.03333,
    lat: 43.2,
    name: "Asturias",
    long: -5.86112,
    lat: 43.36662,
    name: "Galicia",
    long: -7.86621,
    lat: 42.75508,
    name: "Aragón",
    long: -1.0,
    lat: 41.0,
    name: "Castilla y León",
    long: -4.45,
    lat: 41.383333,
    name: "Castilla La Mancha",
    long: -3.000033,
    lat: 39.500011,
    name: "Islas Canarias",
    long: -15.5,
    lat: 28.0,
    name: "Islas Baleares",
    long: 2.52136,
    lat: 39.18969,
    name: "Navarra",
    long: -1.65,
    lat: 42.816666,
    name: "La Rioja",
    long: -2.445556,
    lat: 42.465,
  • Let's import it:


import * as d3 from "d3";
import * as topojson from "topojson-client";
+ import { latLongCommunities } from "./communities";
  • We will add the covid cases for april 2021 and april 2022 that we need to display (affected persons per community):


export const covid_04_2022: ResultEntry[] = [
    name: "Madrid",
    value: 1647605,
    name: "La Rioja",
    value: 93973,
    name: "Andalucía",
    value: 1417273,
    name: "Cataluña",
    value: 2377290,
    name: "Valencia",
    value: 1368795,
    name: "Murcia",
    value: 398468,
    name: "Extremadura",
    value: 255370,
    name: "Castilla La Mancha",
    value: 492636,
    name: "País Vasco",
    value: 677893,
    name: "Cantabria",
    value: 131625,
    name: "Asturias",
    value: 210439,
    name: "Galicia",
    value: 594525,
    name: "Aragón",
    value: 410714,
    name: "Castilla y León",
    value: 692509,
    name: "Islas Canarias",
    value: 341182,
    name: "Islas Baleares",
    value: 277195,
export const covid_04_2021: ResultEntry[] = [
      name: "Madrid",
      value: 673030,
      name: "La Rioja",
      value: 29351,
      name: "Andalucía",
      value: 545483,
      name: "Cataluña",
      value: 577407,
      name: "Valencia",
      value: 389876,
      name: "Murcia",
      value: 110466,
      name: "Extremadura",
      value: 73621,
      name: "Castilla La Mancha",
      value: 183854,
      name: "País Vasco",
      value: 182435,
      name: "Cantabria",
      value: 28310,
      name: "Asturias",
      value: 50342,
      name: "Galicia",
      value: 121177,
      name: "Aragón",
      value: 116959,
      name: "Castilla y León",
      value: 221515,
      name: "Islas Canarias",
      value: 52033,
      name: "Islas Baleares",
      value: 59016,
  • Let's import it into our index.ts


import * as d3 from "d3";
import * as topojson from "topojson-client";
const spainjson = require("./spain.json");
const d3Composite = require("d3-composite-projections");
import { latLongCommunities } from "./communities";
+ import { covid_04_2022 } from "./data/covid_stats";
+ import { covid_04_2021 } from "./data/covid_stats";
+ import { ResultEntry } from "./data/covid_stats";
const spainjson = require("./spain.json");
const d3Composite = require("d3-composite-projections");
  • Let's calculate the maximum number of cases of all communities, this value I've setted the maximum value of covid cases in april 2022, because as we know the covid cases are the accumulated in all the pandemic:


const maxCovid_04_2022 = covid_04_2022.reduce(
  (max, item) => (item.value > max ? item.value: max),
  • Let's create an scale to map affected to radius size, all the circles will be scaled with this maximum value, so april 2021 as we know that there are less cases there will be smaller circles.


const affectedRadiusScale = d3
  .domain([0, maxCovid_04_2022])
  .range([0, 65]);
  • As we know the functionality let us change from covid data 2021 to covid data 2022, first we decide to show the covid data of April 2021.
let currentCovidStat = covid_04_2021;
  • Let's create a helper function to glue the community name with the affected cases, taking the current covid dat defined.


const calculateRadiusBasedOnAffectedCases = (comunidad: string) => {
  const entry = currentCovidStat.find((item) => === comunidad);

  return entry ? affectedRadiusScale(entry.value) : 0;
  • And let's append at the bottom of the index file a code to render a circle on top of each community. In this new functionality I've added also when you pass over the circles of the community, the circle will move to know where you are, using the mouseover and mouseout functions.


  .attr("class", "affected-marker")
  .attr("r", (d) => calculateRadiusBasedOnAffectedCases(
  .attr("cx", (d) => aProjection([d.long,])[0])
  .attr("cy", (d) => aProjection([d.long,])[1])
  .on("mouseover", function() {
      .attr("transform", `scale(1.05, 1.05)`);
  .on("mouseout", function() {
      .attr("transform", ``);
  • As we know the main functionality shall let us change from covid data of April 2021 and covid data April 2022, let's add how to define de constant to update the chart.
const updateChart = (data: ResultEntry[]) => {
  currentCovidStat = data;
    .attr("class", "affected-marker")
    .attr("r", (d) => calculateRadiusBasedOnAffectedCases(
    .attr("cx", (d) => aProjection([d.long,])[0])
    .attr("cy", (d) => aProjection([d.long,])[1])
  • Now, let's add the button ids to know which data show in the map:
  .addEventListener('click', () => {

  .addEventListener('click', () => {

In the file index.html I've added the two buttons to select if we want to see the covid cases in april 2021 or april 2022.

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./map.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./base.css" />
      <button id="april_2021">Covid April 2021</button>
      <button id="april_2022">Covid April 2022</button>
    <script type="module" src="./index.ts"></script>

./src/base.css let us defined the style for the layout.

  • Black circles are ugly let's add some styles, we will just use a red background and add some transparency to let the user see the spot and the map under that spot.


.country {
  stroke-width: 1;
  stroke: #2f4858;
  fill: #008c86;

.affected-marker {
  stroke-width: 1;
  stroke: #bc5b40;
  fill: #f88f70;
  fill-opacity: 0.7;


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