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Table of Contents:

Project Overview

TraderDashboards is a free analysis charting solution using real-time and end of day data for equity traders and investors.
As a standalone product TraderDashboards can be used in conjunction with an execution platform. TraderDashboards provides an informational edge that can enhance a traders existing strategy.

TraderDashboards assists in four real world trading and investing processes:

  1. Pre-market multi-timeframe analysis of the major indexes to frame the market and create a bigger picture road map
  2. Digging deeper and identifying strong sectors in a strong market and weak sectors in a weak market
  3. Analysing specific stocks to potentially trade in line with the the above top down analysis
  4. Monitoring live market data: quickly being able to identify intraday sentiment, overall market direction, breaking news and economic events

User Profiles:

The majority of the below market participants will typically manage individual accounts and be classed as non-professionals with their brokers. They will be largely discretional traders trading outright positions. The strategy styles will include a mix of trend and mean reversion plays across a range of time horizons from intra-day to quarterly and longer.

  • Investors managing a portfolio focused on sector ETF's and/or stocks executing via stocks, futures, options or CFD's. This participant will use technicals as more of a timing tool but also heavily lean on company fundamentals and have a view on the economic landscape with a typical time horizon ranging from months to years.

  • Swing traders managing a portfolio style trading account on sector ETF's and/or stocks. This participant will have a typical time horizon from days up to a month and will lean on technicals as their primary decision making tool but also confirm their trade ideas with fundamental and economic research.

  • Intra-Day traders managing a trading account largely holding one positon at a time and ending each trading session flat.
    This participant rarely holds positions overnight and is active during the US open.
    This trader can operate within a range of time frames within the day timeframe from scalping 5-10 ticks/cent to targeting intra-day swings of multiple points. These intra-day swings can be either break out trending plays or ranging mean reversion plays. This trader may execute via futures, CFD's or stocks.

Stakeholders and their business goals:

  • TraderDashboards owner:

    • To get TraderDashboards out and being used by equity traders around the world
    • To build a contact list of potential future customers and provide prospects easy access to contact the owner to discuss their own goals
    • To promote professional trading processes and present market analysis tools in a more functional way
    • To attract the interest of potential employers within the industry
  • Prospective clients:

    • To custom TraderDashboards to fit their analysis style and methods
    • To work with the developer to automate their trading strategy, create trade alerts, maybe connect to their broker account and execute, maybe even build a desktop or web app
    • To create a proprietary analysis tool pulling in custom data and presenting it via a custom built UI
  • Potential employers:

    • Brokers, trading and investment firms, trading platforms, charting package providers and financial news outlets would value having a developer on their team that also has a high level of experience in there industry and is able to understand the practical nature and application of the development targets

UX Design

User Stories

First Time Visitor Goals:

  • To understand what the website does and if they are interested within 10 seconds:

    • To quickly and clearly absorb the hero section of the landing page and to understand that TraderDashboards is essentially a free charting analysis tool
    • To then read the short introduction text (5 seconds) and understand the main purpose of the tool is to provide an informational edge to their trading
    • To click on the short introduction video and get an overview of each dashboard
  • To get access to the trading dashboards and see what all fuss is about quickly and with minimal clicks:

    • Dashboards tab located within the nav bar provides a dropdown menu taking them to the dashboard that most interests them initially
    • The nav bar is present at the top of every page so visitors quickly learn how to go directly from one dashboard to another and also to any other page directly
  • To decide if TradeDashboards presents data in a way that provides value to their trading/investing operation and if they should bookmark a given dashboard:

    • To test the functionality of the charts and undertake technical analysis Tasks
    • To re-size the dashboards to fit their screen set-up and test how they can use multiple dashboards at a time
    • To assess if the way the markets have been grouped and condensed provides a better use of screen real-estate than what they are already doing
    • To identify if the data points are presented in a way that better promotes data chunking and the ability to absorb, interpret and act with confidence, making informed and timely decisions
  • Does TraderDashboards allow the trader to develop the building blocks of their trading edge, do they feel using the tool increases their edge in the market:

    • Do the multi timeframe dashboards provide greater context to the way traders frame the market and identify significant levels to trade from and better prepare for the open
    • Does the Intrady-Dash give the trader greater awareness of overall market sentiment and keep the trader up to date with price sensitive news and economic events

Returning Visitor Goals:

  • To subscribe and be the first to try new trading products as they are rolled out
  • To get in touch with the developer and discuss their own goals
  • To give TraderDashboards an ongoing test to see if they are able to develop a greater trading edge:
    • To quickly access dashboards and begin their analysis process
    • To get familar with the Intraday-Dash and how to quickly interpret the information and how to also utilise the economic and news feeds in their pre-market prep

Frequent User Goals:

  • For TraderDashboards to become a core part of a traders daily operational processes
    • To quickly set up their screens to utilise mutiple dashboards during the analysis and planning preparation
    • To become consistent with their pre-market prep and giving context to the price action against the backdrop of the bigger picture
    • To become intricately familar with intermarket relatonships and when one market is stronger or weaker than normal, when one market is leading the pack and when markets are either directional or fighting aginst one another
    • To be aware of the current overall market sentiment and whether it is a risk on session or risk off session and tracking what asset class funds are being put to work in
    • To develop the skill of chunking a choice set of the above data points to create a holistic, real-time awareness that empowers a trader to take decisive action and seize the moment
    • To add the informational edge from TraderDashboards to the traders existing price action strategy to increase win rate, increase the size of winners thus improving their risk/reward ratio, ultimately improving the traders overall expectancy

Features and Functions to be included in the Project

  • Hero Carousel at top of landing page
  • Introduction and demonstration videos on landing page
  • Testimonial carousel near the bottom of home page
  • Call to action contact and subscribe buttons at the bottom of home (landing page)
  • Contact and Subscribe pages to have a fixed background image
  • Contact page to have Google maps iframe
  • Charting widgets embedded from 3rd party sources
  • Live news feed widget from 3rd party news aggregator
  • Live economic calendar widget from 3rd party
  • Fully functioning email and subscribe forms with success message
  • Automated Lead capture process using Google Apps Mail to send new lead details to TraderDashboards email plus auto save in contact spreadsheet in Google sheets

Information Architecture

  • Nav Bar: User Guide link to pdf
  • Home:
    • Hero Image with headline attention grabber
    • Leading down to the introduction section with text and embedded video
    • Leading on to demo video
    • Below that a testimonial carousel with a couple of rotating testimonials
    • After the carousel the call to action buttons for the contact and subscribe pages
    • Above the footer the industry logos
    • Directly beneath is the social media links then the footer
  • Intraday-Dash:
    • Top 3 mini charts showing the Dollar index and risk off assets Gold and Bitcoin
    • Middle 3 mini charts showing risk assets Crude oil, FTSE 100 and DAX
    • Bottom 3 mini charts showing US indexes Russell 200, S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100
    • Live stream economic calendar showing US, UK and European price sentsitive releases
    • Aggregated live news feed showing price sensitive events
  • Index-Dash:
    • Daily end of day charts for Brent oil, Gold, S&P, Russell, Dow, Nasdaq
    • 15 minute derivative chart for each of the above showing 24 hour data
  • Sector-Dash:
    • A daily chart for each of the US sector ETF's (using the SPDR ETF's as these are the most traded and products)
  • Stock-Dash:
    • Daily and 15 minute chart with fully accissible features so users can change the product and undertake stock specific analysis

Interactive Elements

  • Main nav bar (top):
    • Logo and Title on the top left of each page to be link for home page
    • Home (landing page)
    • Dashboards drop down menu:
      • Intraday-Dash
      • Index-Dash
      • Sector-Dash
      • Stock-Dash
    • Contact
    • Subscribe
    • Help Guide (link to live pdf)
  • Nav bar (bottom):
    • Copyright and Powered By text
  • Home:
    • Top nav bar taking the visitor directly to any other page and dashboard (opening in new tab)
    • Nav bar tabs to have subtle hover effects and clearly highlight the active page
    • Hero section
    • The introduction section has a video, click to watch.
    • Below that the demonstration video, click to watch
    • The section below that has the rotating testimonial carousel
    • Then the call to action contact and subscribe section
  • Intraday-Dash:
    • The navbar and footer are the same as the home page and for all pages
    • The charts can be focused by zooming in and out by hovering over and using the scroll wheel
    • The economic calendar can be viewed per day or week and scrolling to view more items
    • The news feed can be targeted by clicking on the different tabs (stocks, economy etc) Users can click on the article to open full article in new tab
  • Index-Dash:
    • Charts can be focused, indicators can be used, levels and trend lines can be used
  • Sector-Dash:
    • Same as Index-Dash
  • Stock-Dash:
    • Same as Index-Dash + Tickers can be changed. This means that users can analyse any product they choose and undertake multiple time-frame analsysis quickly and easily
  • Contact:
    • From any page the visitor can click on the contact tab within the top nav bar and go to the contact page
    • Background image
  • Subscribe:
    • From any page the visitor can click on the subscribe tab within the top nav bar and be taken to the subscribe page
    • Background image


Home Page
Index-Dash & Sector-Dash The content on these pages share the same layout
Contact Page


  • Color Scheme

    • The main colours within the 3rd party charting widgets is white, green and red and these are not accessible to change. Therefore the site colour theme is designed around these core colours in order to produce a codehesive look and feel across the site. Because the dashboards incorporate many busy features the rest of the site is made with a focus towards looking simple, subtle and clean to create a balance.
  • Typography

    • The font used by the 3rd party widgets is a paid for high value font, however Roboto provides a similar look and feel and works well with the subjbect and styling
  • Images

    • The landing page to have a choice image relevant to the site content within the hero carousel. To be simple and set the stage for the main heading text overlay
    • Both the Contact and Subscribe page to have a similar but different background image that is fixed allowing the heading and form content to scroll over the top. Again simple but impactful

Overall with the design, a focus during development is to maintain a clean and subtle look as the website is jam packed with user features that could become too busy very quickly

Development Stage

Project Management

Sprint 1 - Set-up and Template

  • Create the file structure
  • Add boiler plate code to index.HTML including links to external files:
    • Boostrap CDN
    • Font Awesome
    • Add JS links to the bottom of the body
    • Add Title and description within head
    • Add icon to title browser tab
  • Link css stylesheet below Boostrap and Font awesome and add Google fonts to top of style.css file
  • Set up stylesheet.css defaults
  • Create the top nav bar:
    • Build the structure including the drop down for the dashboards
    • Add the before icon to the logo (Did this with inline image instead)
    • Style the nav bar so it works well for tablets and desktops
    • Add the burger menu functionality for mobile devices
    • Add and refine hover effects and active tab styling
  • Create the footer including Copyright and Powered By
  • Validate HMTL and CSS
  • Add template to all pages
  • Adjust active tab and file name for each page
  • Make sure all 3rd party code is labelled with comments and any credits complete
  • Milestone 1: To have the project set-up and have the common code in place to use across the website pages ready to begin work on page specific tasks

Sprint 2 - Create trading dashboards

  • Index-Dash
    • Build the Boostrap grid system to house the charting widgets allowing for mobile, tablet and deskptop layouts
    • Add styling classes to the HTML and basic styling within style sheet
    • Embed chart widgets
    • Test the analysis functionality of the charting widgets and work with the variables until suitable
      • Ability to zoom in and out of chart
      • Ability to add trend lines and levels
    • Refine styling to allow for a clean and cohesive look and feel
    • Validate HTML and CSS
  • Sector-Dash
    • Copy and paste from Index-Dash then add further rows to accomodate the US sector ETF's
    • Swap the index products for the sector chart widgets
    • Test the functionality of the chart widgets
    • Make any refinements to the styling
    • Validate HTML and CSS
  • Stock-Dash
    • Build the Boostrap grid system for the page adding styling classes in the process
    • Add basic styling to the page
    • Add analasis widgets see what works together and try different options
    • Once settled, refine the styling to bring the page together
    • Validate HTML and CSS
  • Intraday-Dash
    • Build the Bootstrap grid system for the page adding classes for screen sizes and for styling
    • Add basic styling
    • Add the Ticker/mini chart widgets and test how they adjust for screen sizes, making adjustments as needed
    • Add the 2nd and 3rd row mini chart widgets refining styling so they are cleanly spaced
    • Add the economic calendar refining the grid size to best match the widget also setting the display to none for mobile devices (If usable will display on mobile)
    • Add the news feed widget
    • Make any final styling refinements
  • Validate HTML and CSS
  • Confirm all hmtl and css code is clearly organised with comments
  • Make sure all 3rd party code is labelled with comments and any credits complete
  • Milestone 2: Trading dashboards complete and working correctly, the main purpose of the site for users has been achieved

Sprint 3 - Create content for Home & Contact page

  • Create User Guide pdf and save to google drive, get public link and add to user guide link in the top nav bar to open a new tab and test
  • Create home page videos:
    • Introduction
    • Platform Demo
  • Create YouTube account and upload videos
  • Obtain testimonial from trader and create content for carousel
  • Identify Hero image and save
  • Identify Cantact & Subscribe page image and save
  • Milestone: All content for home and contact page now prepared for website

Sprint 4 - Complete Home and Contact page

  • Home Page
    • Build the Boostrap grid to house all the content and Features
    • Add classes to adjust layout for each screen size
    • Add classes to make provisions for core styling
    • Add basic styling to stylesheet
    • Add the hero image, styling it to fit the carousel, edit and add opaque layers for each slide
    • Add Hero heading to each slide
    • Add text to introduction section, add introduction video
    • Add the two videos to the intro section and refine style if needed
    • Add the structure to the carousel section and add testimonials
    • Add text to subscribe section and add subscribe button link
    • Add text and add contact button (leading to the contact page)
  • Contact & Subscribe Page
    • Build Bootstrap grid layout for page
    • Add classes to adjust for srceen size
    • Add style classes
    • Add background image to top section adding an opaque layer to contrast with heading text
    • Add email/message form and style
    • Validate HTML and CSS
    • Copy Contact page to Subscribe page and alter to produce subscribe form and heading text
    • Confirm all hmtl and css code is clearly organised with comments
    • Make sure all 3rd party code is labelled with comments and any credits complete
  • Milestone: Home & Contact page content and structure in place

Sprint 5 - Adding call-to-action functionality and sweeping up all remaining tasks

  • Adjust the email and subscribe forms to include the relevant classes in order to fit with Google Apps Mail and also the form-submission-handler.js file to add functionality to the forms
  • Add Google maps to contact page
  • Move User Guide to end of nav bar on each page
  • Alter heading section on contact page and add media querries to adjust for sizing
  • Readme - Move live link and user guide link to below Title and add multi device image at top
  • Refine first hero image in slider to contrast more effectively, colour match red hero image with theme, add industry logos to home page, add real testimonial
  • Test email and subscribe functionality and success message as well as Google sheets contact autosave
  • Validate HTML and CSS
  • Confirm all hmtl and css code is clearly organised with comments
  • Make sure all 3rd party code is labelled with comments and any credits complete
  • Milestone: Website complete

Landing page

Final intraday-dash

Bugs & Solutions:

  • Bug: The justify-content-center bootstrap class is not centering the navbar ul
    • Solution I ended up setting the navbar float: none and pos relative, then setting the navbar-nav to pos absolute, right 20px. This worked well leaving the logo to the left and links to the right
  • Bug: The drop down menu links (background) flash boostrap blue when clicked grrr
    • Solution Stackoverflow: .dropdown-item:active did the trick I could then pick any colour in the rainbow
  • Bug: collapsed menu li nav-items in the drop down menu do not cover the view port width
    • Solution I had altered the styling when floating the ul to the right, After undoing these changes the collapsed menu worked again.
  • Bug: All of a sudden all the style for all charts on all pages stopped working and was not visible in the dev tools.
    • Solution I had accidentally deleted a closing squiggly bracket when writing comments and this broke the below styles for the class="charts"
  • Bug: Home page - YouTube iframe overlapping content below, in a big way.
    • Solution I ended up using media querries and using large amounts of margin-top for the below content. This doesnt feel like it should be the best solution but this has allowed me to manage the overlapping issue instead of actually fixing it. The home screen is fully responsive now.

Unresolved Bugs

  • Bug: Intraday-Dash - the economic calendar iframe is contained within div's but will only scroll on the Y axis even when it is contained within a div with overflow:scroll
    • [] Solution Unresolved, but very usable even on mobile. Date, time and event are all visible.
  • Bug: links to external url's even with target="_blank" still opens within the same tab (Have tried both mark down and mark up methods)
    • [] Solution Unresolved, all links are now in markup using tags which include target="_blank". Visitors will for now right click 'open in new tab' Not great but not a show stopper
  • Bug Intarday-Dash line 317: The file passes the validator check but the closing comment of a 3rd party widget is not showing the normal green colour that comments do in my IDE. I cannot figure out what is causing this. The validator sees the comment as a comment and the code runs perfect in the browser. I have irregular colours within the 3rd party script tags on the line above which I feel may be causing this. Something I will revisit as I learn more about JS.

Note: Being my first project I began the project unknowingly using a mix of methods to position content, it was like putting pieces from two different puzzles together (containers and items). However as I struggled through I slowly began to understand more and more how Boostrap rows and columns work in conjunction with Flexbox and how other properties work when used with flexbox for example margin:auto; This is one of the biggest lessons learnt during the project that I will carry forward.

Final HTML & CSS Testing

  • HTML code Tested
  • CSS code Tested

Testing Business Goals & User Stories

TraderDashboards Owner Goals:

  • To get TraderDashboards out and being used by equity traders around the world:
    • The website is ready to be distributed to market participants
  • To build a contact list of potential future customers and provide prospects easy access to contact the owner to discuss their own goals:
    • Important By utilising Google Apps Mail in conjunction with leveraging a 3rd party form-submission-handler.js file both the contact and subscribe page forms are fully functional. They both provide a success message to the user keeping them on the page to continue on to another page plus all subscribe and email contact details are automatically saved to TraderDashboards Google Drive contact spreadsheet which also captures the values within the radial options. This is brilliant as the act of creating a database of prospective clients which is also a mailing list is automated. This has got to be the part of the project that I am most excited about.

Email submission event

Subscribe submission event

  • To promote professional trading processes and present market analysis tools in a more functional way:
    • The way the analysis dashboards are presented promotes a logical sequence which naturally assist the user in building a holistic picture of the current market environment. This also very much creates consistency in the process, which allows for skill development and the opportunity to become familar with intermarket relationships and when they change

Prospective Client Goals:

  • Prospects are using the site while at the same time considering if the developers at TraderDashbaords would make a good fit for the project they are planning for their own business:
    • The website presents to prospects that not only can the developers at TraderDashboards build tools that they would like to build for themselves but also demonstrates that the developers also understand their trading and investment business and the industry. This should build confidence and rapport

Potential Employers Goals:

  • Employers will want to see professional coding acumen as well as trading and investing knowledge and experience plus a passion for both. A developer that can communicate with other parts of the business and understand how the end product is utilised in the real world will be of value. I feel this comes across in the choice of products used, the way the dashboards are organised and presented and also in the demonstration videos

First Time Visitor Goals:

  • To understand what the website does and if they are interested within 10 seconds:
    • The hero carousel at the top of the home page includes 3 sliders clearly stating what the website is all about
    • Scrolling down the introduction section is clear with very short text leading to short videos
  • To get access to the trading dashboards and see what all fuss is about quickly and with minimal clicks:
    • Every page has a fixed top navbar with a consistent layout across pages. Users can visit any page from the top nav bar
  • To decide if TradeDashboards presents data in a way that provides value to their trading/investing operation and if they should bookmark a given dashboard:
    • Users can either watch the videos or get straight into the dashboards. They can resize the browser to fit their existing screen set up and even have full functionality on mobile for every dashboard.
  • Does TraderDashboards allow the trader to develop the building blocks of their trading edge, do they feel using the tool increases their edge in the market:
    • Yes the way the Index-Dash is presented promotes traders to first identify supply and demand in risk off assets, then risk assets and then on to compare the major indexes to complete the story
    • The Intraday-Dash is presented to provide a real-time snap shot of risk sentiment and overall market direction

Returning Visitor Goals:

  • To subscribe and be the first to try new trading products as they are rolled out:
    • Visitors can get to the subscibe page with one click from any page. They are automatically added to the mailing list spreadsheet within Google Sheets
  • To get in touch with the developer and discuss their own goals:
    • Visitors can get to the contact page with one click from any page. The owner is notified of new messages via email and the new contact is added to the Google sheets spreadsheet
  • To give TraderDashboards an ongoing test to see if they are able to develop a greater trading edge:
    • Users can bookmark any dashboard and go straight to that page anytime and also use multiple dashboards at the same time to create their own terminal.

Frequent User Goals:

  • For TraderDashboards to become a core part of a traders daily operational processes:
    • Users that regularly utilise the dashboards will become intricately familiar with how these markets move in relation to each other and develop the ability to chunk the information from all the data points on the Intraday-Dash. Over time this allows the trader/investor to develop a powerful edge to add to their existing strategy

Frequent User example of how multiple dashboards can be displayed on one monitor and used at the same time:

Email submission event

Device Testing

  • The website works on all devices: Each page of the website has been proven on Android and IOS devices as well as laptop and desktop screens.

Device testing

dashboard multi device

Browser Testing

  • The website works on Chrome, Firefox, Edge & Safari


  • Code:

  • Content:

    • All content was written by the developer
  • Media:

    • Images are sourced from ShutterStock and edited by the developer
    • Icons are sourced from FontAwesome
    • Videos are created by the developer
    • The charting widgets and stock tickers are supplied by TradingView which includes price data from FXCM, CBOE, Oanda and CurrencyCom
    • The economic calendar and news feed are supplied by Dukascopy who pull data in from many news sources
  • Acknowledgments:

    • My Mentor Antonio Rodriquez for keeping me on the straight and narrow and focused on the highest priority tasks at different stages of the project. Also advice in using the dev tools to dial in on elements that are not acting as expected to identify the cause and make adjustments. This really helped when customising Bootstrap.
    • My friends in the trading and investing industry for sharing their insights during the planning phase and then giving me frank and honest feedback during development
    • My friend and fellow trader and investor Ricardo Silva for endorsing TraderDashboards and providing a testimonial


GitHub Pages

The project is deployed to GitHub Pages:

  • Be on the main (README) page of the repo to deploy
  • Click on the settings cog at the end of the repo tabs
  • Scroll down to the GitHub Pages section
  • Choose the branch to publish and save
  • A custom domain can be added here and then linked with the DNS settings within cPanel or domain providers website


To work on 3rd party open source projects we can fork the repo. To do this visit the desired repo and hit the fork tab in the top right corner which then makes a copy to your own GitHub account.

Local Clone

To copy your own repo to maybe use it in a new project: First create your new repo, then go to the old repo's (the one to be cloned) main page and hit the code tab next to the big green Gitpod tab. Copy the required url depending on if you want to connect through HTTPS or SSH and then head over to Git Bash. Get into the new repo directory, type: git clone and then paste the url of the soon to be cloned repo and press enter. It is done.



  • HMTL5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript

Frameworks, Libraries & Programs

  • GitHub
  • Git
  • GitPod
  • Balsamiq
  • Bootstrap v4.5
  • JQuery (Ajax)
  • Google Fonts
  • Font Awesome
  • Google Apps Mail

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Equity trading and investing charting solution






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